Topic: Tag Implication: humanoid_on_human -> interspecies

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

MyNameIsOver20charac said:
Implicating humanoid_on_human → interspecies
Link to implication


humanoids are not humans

I can definitely see a lot of cases where the implication would come in handy (especially with alien humanoids, or Pokemon), but would the interspecies tag really be appropriate for cases of, say, elf/human relations, as in (post #1817240)? There are a wide range of "humanoids" that are extremely close to human - indeed, just the first page of search results for human_on_humanoid shows numerous examples of pairings -- ears-and-tail nekos, Inklings, vampires, barely-not-human demons, Link, I'm-not-even-sure-what-distinguishes-this-from-human (post #1818090) -- which are so similar that "interspecies" would seem to be pushing it.

In fact, cases like these would seem to be a pretty sizable fraction of the human/humanoid images out there.

Updated by anonymous

Victoria_Oblong said:
I can definitely see a lot of cases where the implication would come in handy (especially with alien humanoids, or Pokemon), but would the interspecies tag really be appropriate for cases of, say, elf/human relations, as in (post #1817240)? There are a wide range of "humanoids" that are extremely close to human - indeed, just the first page of search results for human_on_humanoid shows numerous examples of pairings -- ears-and-tail nekos, Inklings, vampires, barely-not-human demons, Link, I'm-not-even-sure-what-distinguishes-this-from-human (post #1818090) -- which are so similar that "interspecies" would seem to be pushing it.

In fact, cases like these would seem to be a pretty sizable fraction of the human/humanoid images out there.

even if its very similar to human, they are still different species without exception.

Updated by anonymous


The interspecies wiki currently says

"They should always be from different family sub-classes (e.g., feline/canine, equine/cetacean, but not lion/tiger)."

So, I guess the question is.... is an animal_humanoid or a winged_humanoid or horned_humanoid in a different family subclass?

would a wolf_humanoid and tiger_humanoid be interspecies?

(and more broadly: is "interspecies" a poorly chosen name, and, if so, what would be a better name to describe the idea described in the wiki?

Updated by anonymous

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