Topic: What kind of qualities do you look for in a relation ship?

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I recently got together with a friend, and I've just been wondering, what kind of qualities do you look for in a woman/man?
I look for someone as weird as me, who has some of the same passions as me, who laughs at my jokes, no matter how many i tell.


I like a good supply of nonexistence in my significant other.

Updated by anonymous

Booty, nice, adventurous, and fun to hang with. Luckily, I've found and am currently dating the woman that fits that description perfectly :p

Updated by anonymous

I just want a relationship. :( I don't think I have a chance with a woman. I think they'd find me too ugly or fat to want to be with me. The fact that I'm missing a tooth probably doesn't help. I know I shouldn't feel that way, but so many women are so shallow that it wouldn't surprise me.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I just want a relationship. :( I don't think I have a chance with a woman. I think they'd find me too ugly or fat to want to be with me. The fact that I'm missing a tooth probably doesn't help. I know I shouldn't feel that way, but so many women are so shallow that it wouldn't surprise me.


Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I just want a relationship. :( I don't think I have a chance with a woman. I think they'd find me too ugly or fat to want to be with me. The fact that I'm missing a tooth probably doesn't help. I know I shouldn't feel that way, but so many women are so shallow that it wouldn't surprise me.

Yeh, me too, dude... me too... Lately, women prefer cars, money or both. It doesn't matter if you're an ass to them as long as they can get money from you. Sad but true...

Updated by anonymous

I've found it better to embrace the positive sides of being single, and not looking.
For example, I make $50/hr and don't have to spend a penny on a wife, girlfriend, or kids.
I can also spend that money on whatever I want to get without ever explaining that purchase to anyone.
No chance of divorce, or alimony, or saving for college for the kids.
Or paying for after school activities for that matter.
Vacations are cheaper because it's a single person, unless I want to take a family member, then I still am only paying for 2 assuming they don't cover any of it.

If you're still not sure, I can tell you I have had some experience with women (6, if you care for a count) and I have learned one very important thing.
No one can compare to my left hand, or some toys which are still cheaper than a woman.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:

It's not just that, though. I collect toys. I know that seems childish, but plenty of adults do it. I'm a nerd. I'm a furry. I don't feel like I'll ever have a girlfriend or a wife.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
It's not just that, though. I collect toys. I know that seems childish, but plenty of adults do it. I'm a nerd. I'm a furry. I don't feel like I'll ever have a girlfriend or a wife.

Sex toys?

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
It's not just that, though. I collect toys. I know that seems childish, but plenty of adults do it. I'm a nerd. I'm a furry. I don't feel like I'll ever have a girlfriend or a wife.

*pat pat* There, there. Join this club, then...

I also fall in three of the four categories mentioned (I used to collect hot wheels, had about 80 or so)...

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
It's not just that, though. I collect toys. I know that seems childish, but plenty of adults do it. I'm a nerd. I'm a furry. I don't feel like I'll ever have a girlfriend or a wife.

There's a women out there for all of us (or man, if a dude swings that way) you just have to find her. Some peeps don't have the motivation to look for their mate, thus why those peeps choose to stay single :I

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Sex toys?

No. Mostly diecast cars, but I'll collect action figures if they interest me.

Xc3hel said:
had about 80 or so

I have about 5,000.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
There's a woman out there for all of us (or man, if a dude swings that way) you just have to find her. Some peeps don't have the motivation to look for their mate, thus why those peeps choose to stay single :I

And yet, like Halite said...

I've found it better to embrace the positive sides of being single, and not looking.
For example, I make $50/hr and don't have to spend a penny on a wife, girlfriend, or kids.
I can also spend that money on whatever I want to get without ever explaining that purchase to anyone.
No chance of divorce, or alimony, or saving for college for the kids.
Or paying for after school activities for that matter.
Vacations are cheaper because it's a single person, unless I want to take a family member, then I still am only paying for 2 assuming they don't cover any of it.

...Maybe it just isn't worth it.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
And yet, like Halite said...
...Maybe it just isn't worth it.

By not having sex, you help the planet :D

Population control!

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
And yet, like Halite said...
...Maybe it just isn't worth it.

Thing is dude, everyone has different morals and values. You dudes might not seem interested in dating and stuff, but some dudes are. The plus sides of having that perfect mate:

You aren't lonely
You have someone to spend time with (On vacations, honeymoons, ect.)
Sex is awesome
You have someone to keep you in check
You can continue your family
You can get wise and mature over time throughout the experiences you have with each other
You can work as a team to handle the finances. Who says only the guy or lady should have to pay stuff alone?
And so much more

Again, different strokes for different folks. Some peeps like the idea of being single, some peeps like the idea of having a partner

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Thing is dude, everyone has different morals and values. You dudes might not seem interested in dating and stuff, but some dudes are. The plus sides of having that perfect mate:

You aren't lonely
You have someone to spend time with (On vacations, honeymoons, ect.)
Sex is awesome
You have someone to keep you in check
You can continue your family
You can get wise and mature over time throughout the experiences you have with each other
You can work as a team to handle the finances. Who says only the guy or lady should have to pay stuff alone?

Again, different strokes for different folks. Some peeps like the idea of being single, some peeps like the idea of having a partner

Totally agree.
It took a lot of thought to come to the decision that I did to stay single.
I have also learned that I require less companionship than is typical for most people.
Everyone should strive for what makes them happy, I simply learned a while back that for me that didn't have to involve a second person.
I'm weird.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Thing is dude, everyone has different morals and values. You dudes might not seem interested in dating and stuff, but some dudes are. The plus sides of having that perfect mate:

You aren't lonely
You have someone to spend time with (On vacations, honeymoons, ect.)
Sex is awesome
You have someone to keep you in check
You can continue your family
You can get wise and mature over time throughout the experiences you have with each other
You can work as a team to handle the finances. Who says only the guy or lady should have to pay stuff alone?

Again, different strokes for different folks. Some peeps like the idea of being single, some peeps like the idea of having a partner

I'm of the people who don't like to be alone but also of the ones who don't even know how to socialize. To the point of seeing myself in a relation as just a picture of a mirage let alone having sex

As I've mentioned it, for me it's a pain in the chest to even think about it...

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
-You aren't lonely
-You have someone to spend time with (On vacations, honeymoons, ect.)
-Sex is awesome
-You have someone to keep you in check
-You can continue your family
-You can get wise and mature over time throughout the experiences you -have with each other
-You can work as a team to handle the finances. Who says only the guy or lady should have to pay stuff alone?

-Solitude builds character
-No way am I spending money on something like that
-No it really isn't
-What the hell does that even mean outside of chess
-The world is overpopulated
-I can do that by myself
-Single = more money = ability to pay finances AND still have time for stuff you like, rather than providing for two people

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
-Solitude builds character
-No way am I spending money on something like that
-No it really isn't
-What the hell does that even mean outside of chess
-The world is overpopulated
-I can do that by myself
-Single = more money = ability to pay finances AND still have time for stuff you like, rather than providing for two people

Then good for you bro?

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Then good for you bro

but what does it mean outside of chess though

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
but what does it mean outside of chess though


Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
You said:
dafuq is that supposed to mean

I'm saying having a partner can keep you from being too cocky, ignorant, selfish, rude, etc. Makes you step in someone elses shoes, get a feel of what someone is thinking or feeling other than your own.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I'm saying having a partner can keep you from being too cocky, ignorant, selfish, rude, etc. Makes you step in someone elses shoes, get a feel of what someone is thinking or feeling other than your own.

oh yeah that's called 'empathy' and it's what humans beings have by default

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
oh yeah that's called 'empathy' and it's what humans beings have by default

You'd be surprised how many peeps lack empathy

Updated by anonymous

I got lucky as hell. I don't even have the nerve to talk to most people and yet she sees me and just starts talking. That was the first time i met her. We were kids so i only saw her as a friend but she made me feel like my life wasn't a shit sandwich. She was smart AND nice which was rare in high school so i never found interest in other girls. She doesn't expect a crap ton of resources out of me. She is incredibly down to earth but still has a lot of sass. She makes me laugh to this day and I enjoy that most about her (yknow excluding sexual things...) Women like her are rare as fuck.

Updated by anonymous

I've had about 3 serious relationships in my life, and theres a point at about 2 years where it just all goes to shit, but I consider myself lucky, because I managed to escape some pretty terrible happenings through the ending of a relationship, by this I mean:

One of my ex-girlfriends took a shotgun and blew off her boyfriends (this was like 3 months after we broke up) head while he was sleeping, for no reason.

One is in prison for "Sexual misconduct with a minor" for having sex with a student (She taught at a middle school). This was like 2 years after we broke up.

The other got cancer, and it doesn't look like she is going to make it much longer, I don't think I could have dealt with that had we still been in a relationship. We broke up pretty messily, like, I'm pretty sure she hates me, like there were police involved to settle the living situation and to get her out of my house, after I found out she was cheating on me.

I'm currently playing the bachelor, and it's nice to be able to hang out with your friends more often. But there's always going to be crippling loneliness out there.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
[...]But there's always going to be crippling loneliness out there.

I have a lot on me, you want some?

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:

I have also learned that I require less companionship than is typical for most people.
Everyone should strive for what makes them happy, I simply learned a while back that for me that didn't have to involve a second person.
I'm weird.

Same for me.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
I've found it better to embrace the positive sides of being single, and not looking.
For example, I make $50/hr and don't have to spend a penny on a wife, girlfriend, or kids.
I can also spend that money on whatever I want to get without ever explaining that purchase to anyone.
No chance of divorce, or alimony, or saving for college for the kids.
Or paying for after school activities for that matter.
Vacations are cheaper because it's a single person, unless I want to take a family member, then I still am only paying for 2 assuming they don't cover any of it.

If you're still not sure, I can tell you I have had some experience with women (6, if you care for a count) and I have learned one very important thing.
No one can compare to my left hand, or some toys which are still cheaper than a woman.

Depressing, but true. Other people cause too much drama, and question your moves/motives. It becomes annoying quickly.

I stopped trying for relationships when I had to keep explaining myself to people. That, and when my ex tried to sell me a sexual favor to one of his friends in exchange for a game. (Mirrors edge, nice to know I'm worth as much as that I guess)He called it a reasonable trade. So make of that what you will.

Updated by anonymous

I think parts of the problem include the fact that desperation is off-putting, we create this image of who she/he should be and ignore who she/he really is, that sex and romance must always be linked somehow when it really doesn't, and this idea that romance is like a Disney fairy tale when it's more like ongoing peace negotiations. If you want a girl/boyfriend, stop wanting, stop expecting, and just let it be. Although it does help if you're letting it be out there where she/he can find you instead of locked in your room, browsing the internet, and wondering where she/he isn't having anything to do with you yet.

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
... Well, married people earn more. ...

Not really.
Single people usually spend more, but that's per person.
Unless your wife/husband makes about as much, or more than you, you end up with more money to spend on yourself by remaining single.
Assuming you're accepting that, and not blowing a ton of money on going to bars and trying to date girls that just want you to spend money on them.(I would like to point out that I'm not saying all girls do this, but that there are some that do.)

Updated by anonymous

There's only one thing I want in a man/woman.
A big cock.

>Look like an aborted fetus dipped in paprika.
>Get a girlfriend.
post #242438

Updated by anonymous

I'm about to blow your minds with this great quality about my gf

Sexual roleplay via text.

Hotter than you think.

Updated by anonymous

I'm about to blow your minds with this great quality about my gf

Sexual roleplay via text.

Hotter than you think.

If you play it out by writing in "txt liek dis" then it ain't.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
There's only one thing I want in a man/woman.
A big cock.

>Look like an aborted fetus dipped in paprika.
>Get a girlfriend.
post #242438

Chloroform, a big cellar and Stockholm syndrome are your friends.

For me personally, I hate having people around, I get erratic/ more angry the longer I am around people, which is a very bad foundation for relationships of any kind.
This doesn't happen over internet, I guess because I can't hear you guys breathe.

I once bought 2 weeks worth of rations and locked myself into my little apartment, two weeks of not having any human interaction, not a single word spoken and I loved it.

Nevermind the fact that I really want my bloodline to die out, nobody needs to deal with this fubar DNA I have.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Nevermind the fact that I really want my bloodline to die out, nobody needs to deal with this fubar DNA I have.

NMNY confirmed as last living heir of Hitlers bloodline.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
NMNY confirmed as last living heir of Hitlers bloodline.

I can see where he's coming from.

I got the subpar collective alleles of a hard-acly Irish bloodline, and various traits that come from that lineage I wouldn't wish on a child.

Plus we're all assholes and I particularly hate children and other people, so I think denying something the privelege to even exist beyond concept is far more refined.

Also kids are expensive and there's already too many in the world.
Literally thousands of reasons, if you look.

Updated by anonymous

Actini-89 said:
I can see where he's coming from.

Me too.

I'm not passing on my Assburger shittyness any time soon.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
If you play it out by writing in "txt liek dis" then it ain't.

No, it's more like.

Okay, let's get to buisiness.
*throws pants in the corner*
*whispers, "swiggity swooty"*
(And this is how we talk about the rp without being IN the rp, or just talk like normal. We had an rp here too, once.)
((Then we did this. Or really, I did this.))

Updated by anonymous

No, it's more like.

Okay, let's get to buisiness.
*throws pants in the corner*
*whispers, "swiggity swooty"*
(And this is how we talk about the rp without being IN the rp, or just talk like normal. We had an rp here too, once.)
((Then we did this. Or really, I did this.))

I-it's better than you think..... i just can't be hot online, no matter how much i try :/
I didn't really TRY though, but you get the point.

Updated by anonymous

No, it's more like.

Okay, let's get to buisiness.
*throws pants in the corner*
*whispers, "swiggity swooty"*
(And this is how we talk about the rp without being IN the rp, or just talk like normal. We had an rp here too, once.)
((Then we did this. Or really, I did this.))

wahahaha! That third line is a bonekiller!! XD

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
wahahaha! That third line is a bonekiller!! XD

Really? I'm strangely aroused

Updated by anonymous

I've given up on having a relationship, I'm enjoying being single. After having a few fail spectacularly, including a very bad online one, I decided that I can be perfectly happy with friends for social company, and toys for sexual release. Why bother with an extra person?


*whispers, "swiggity swooty"*

Gotta admit though, that shit's pretty hot. :P

Updated by anonymous

DragonFox69 said:
If they have a pulse then I'm good to go.

Some people are the opposite.

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
Even if that pulse is abnormally low?~

.....yes. (Joke)

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
NMNY confirmed as last living heir of Hitlers bloodline.

I have no idea, I know my father's side doesn't but I don't have a clue about the side from my mother, my grandfather guards the family book like his Adams apple and doesn't let anybody look at it.

But even without that, we have so much shit running in the family that it'd be cruel to force other people endure this shit for a life time. Severe Epilepsy, Autism, a couple bone deformations (spine fused together with the head, a light hit on the neck can cause complete paralysis; fucked up feet, high chance on deformed/missing knee plates), Migraines, Cancer, grey and green star, alzheimer, prone to sudden fits of rage,... .
The list goes on, except autism, missing kneeplates and severe epilepsy I have either everything already or will get it.
All I get for that shit is an immune system that will rape every illness ever, a stomach that doesn't give shit even with spoiled food, an apparently working brain a bit above average and a very high tolerance against almost all narcotics.

The last one is pretty fun, right up until the point where you can feel someone scratching around on your bones or are still "awake" during a full narcosis, but can feel the others touch your organs; it doesn't hurt and your processing of events is shut down, it just registers that something happens.
Strange things, very strange things.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
I have no idea, I know my father's side doesn't but I don't have a clue about the side from my mother, my grandfather guards the family book like his Adams apple and doesn't let anybody look at it.

But even without that, we have so much shit running in the family that it'd be cruel to force other people endure this shit for a life time. Severe Epilepsy, Autism, a couple bone deformations (spine fused together with the head, a light hit on the neck can cause complete paralysis; fucked up feet, high chance on deformed/missing knee plates), Migraines, Cancer, grey and green star, alzheimer, prone to sudden fits of rage,... .
The list goes on, except autism, missing kneeplates and severe epilepsy I have either everything already or will get it.
All I get for that shit is an immune system that will rape every illness ever, a stomach that doesn't give shit even with spoiled food, an apparently working brain a bit above average and a very high tolerance against almost all narcotics.

The last one is pretty fun, right up until the point where you can feel someone scratching around on your bones or are still "awake" during a full narcosis, but can feel the others touch your organs; it doesn't hurt and your processing of events is shut down, it just registers that something happens.
Strange things, very strange things.

I don't want to be insulting, but that sort of set of problems sounds a lot like possible inbreeding.
That's a whole lot of genetic abnormalities which is more common, particularly in large numbers, when there's close family relations in the family tree.

That being said, it's also entirely possible that you've just inherited a few generations worth of bad luck.
That happens too.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
I don't want to be insulting, but that sort of set of problems sounds a lot like possible inbreeding.
That's a whole lot of genetic abnormalities which is more common, particularly in large numbers, when there's close family relations in the family tree.

That being said, it's also entirely possible that you've just inherited a few generations worth of bad luck.
That happens too.

Definitely either is possible, my Family name shows up as being an older noble family, although that apparently stopped ~1800, or my forbearers just sucked at their choice of partner and hooked up with people with the same problems.

I mean, it sounds logical that two epilepsy having people meet and possibly hook up since they can understand the problem in each other, but that also means a much higher chance that this trait stays in the bloodline.

Updated by anonymous

This is the most depressing forum conversation I've ever seen. Remember people.......

Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse
When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best...

...always look on the bright side
of life...

Always look on the light side
of life...

If life seems jolly rotten
There's something you've forgotten
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing
When you're feeling in the dumps
Don't be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle
- that's the thing.
And...always look on the bright
side of life...

Come on.

Always look on the right side
of life...

For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word
You must always face the curtain
with a bow
Forget about your sin - give the
audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance

So always look on the bright side
of death...

a-Just before you draw your terminal breath...

Life's a piece of shit, when you look at it
Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true
You'll see its all a show, keep 'em laughin as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you

Always look on the bright side
of life...

Always look on the right side
of life...

C'mon Brian, cheer up

Always look on the bright side
of life...

Always look on the bright side
of life...

Worse things happen at sea you know.

I mean - what have you got to lose?
You know, you come from nothing
- you're going back to nothing.
What have you lost? Nothing.

Always look on the right side
(I mean) of life...

what have you got to lose?
You know, you come from nothing
- you're going back to nothing.
What have you lost?

Always (Nothing.) look on the right side of life...

Nothing will come from nothing ya know what they say?
Cheer up ya old bugga c'mon give us a grin!
There ya go, see!

Always look on the right side of life...
(Cheer up ya old bugga c'mon give us a grin! At same time)

There ya go, see!

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

A strong hull and large storage capacity.

Updated by anonymous

Well 2 important things: Honesty. I dont really care what does she/he/it does with her/his/its life but if that affect our (hipotetic)relationship i rather the true instead living in a ghost relationship.

Second and with the same grade of priority as honesty is the fact the thing with i would have a relation needs to be somewhat close. I mean she could be 2 hours away and its ok but really longdistance relations are a pain. "I need to go honey, its 3:30am here, next time i travell to Africa wanna go to take a coffe? Haha. Take care of the ebola, i love you baby, bye." So stupid

Also breast. Any size. And would rather woman breast.

Updated by anonymous

Not really sure what i'd be looking for in a relationship to be honest. I've never really made a serious attempt at pursuing one. There have been a few fellas i've been interested in here and there, but they all turned out to be quite heterosexual, so that was the end of that.

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
Are you likening a relationship to crucifixion?

Being tied to something, lots of pain and the only hope of the end of pain being death. Interpret that as you will.

Updated by anonymous

Charlemagne's_Wolves said:
Always look on the bright side of life

I just sang that whole song, thanks. But yeah, relationshios can be pretty much like that...

Updated by anonymous

Girls are icky cuz they have cooties, right?

Updated by anonymous

RustyNails said:
Girls are icky cuz they have cooties, right?


Updated by anonymous

RustyNails said:
Girls are icky cuz they have cooties, right?


Updated by anonymous

Cutedementia said:
Some girls are icky.... Like Rarity for example, ew.

Rarity is not a girl.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Rarity is not a girl.

Rarity. (From MLP:FIM)

Is female, thus. Girl.

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer said:
Girls are real or so I've heard . Rarity is not.

Rarity as a character is a girl, are we really going to have this stupid technicality based argument?

Updated by anonymous

Cutedementia said:
Rarity as a character is a girl, are we really going to have this stupid technicality based argument?

Kämpfer is joking. Halite, i don't quite know yet...

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer is joking. Halite, i don't quite know yet...

I'm never/always joking.

Updated by anonymous

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