Topic: [Feature] Hide posts below certain score

Posted under General

That is, I'd like to be able, when browsing, not see those posts with a (user specified) number of down votes on the post.

Sometimes just the thumbnails on some of these posts are nightmare fuel.

Thank you.

Updated by OmegaUmbra

wollypegger said:
That is, I'd like to be able, when browsing, not see those posts with a (user specified) number of down votes on the post.

Sometimes just the thumbnails on some of these posts are nightmare fuel.

Thank you.

I don't think you can exclude posts with a specified number of downvotes. You can, however, use score:>10 or similar to search for posts that have a net score (greater than 10 in that case).

Updated by anonymous

This function exists with comments, so I wonder why it's not a thing for posts. Would probably be more useful really.

Updated by anonymous


If you could select between a few different score thresholds in a popup, that'd be good -- scores seem to have different levels of reliability depending on the search, IME. Maybe that would also be useful to admins and janitors (who normally have to be able to see every post).

More basically, simply supporting it as something you can enter in your blacklist would still be good.

I regularly use the score:>X search metatag, but this kind of thing would be a lot more convenient.

Updated by anonymous

TwistedLogik said:
Would probably be more useful really.

I can't see how.

wollypegger said:
Sometimes just the thumbnails on some of these posts are nightmare fuel.

Not everything gets down voted into oblivion. What about posts where "nightmare fuel" has a positive score?


Updated by anonymous

TwistedLogik said:
This function exists with comments, so I wonder why it's not a thing for posts. Would probably be more useful really.

Isn't that also based on total score, and not just the number of downvotes?

Updated by anonymous

-score:<0 can be useful, but it would be great to be able to make it work on an blacklist. (only works on total score though)

Updated by anonymous

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