Topic: what classes as an inferior version or duplicate

Posted under General

Alright so, I saw a drawing that had some pretty out-there kinks and /i thought it looked good aside from that(it was a whitekitten commission posted by a guy named kodanis).

Anyway I took it upon myself to edit it heavily, and by that I mean redrawing some segments and seamlessly removing a whole character and her dialogue. I decide to post it since I know there are other people who would have enjoyed it without the imminent death and cannibalism stuff. I come back the next day only to find that my post was flagged for deletion by kodanis for being an "inferior version/duplicate", of which it is neither in my opinion. It's an image of the same quality minus the kinks the op prefers, that does not make it inferior, nor does it make it a duplicate as it was heavily edited. Seeing as how this is the same guy who posted the original, it comes off as someone abusing their ability to remove posts, as it happened once before with someone else's edit of the same image, albeit not flagged by the same guy.

Updated by Kodanis

Sounds like it was a usual case of creating an alternative version of a post, so I don't know why it got flagged. If you'd done a poor job of the edit itself, then it would have been flagged for quality standards. However, this doesn't sound like the case, so maybe you should ask an admin to review the situation. Although, it has only been flagged and not deleted, so it should get to stay. Someone just has to make a judgement on it. For an inferior version or duplicate classification, it would just be identical or lower resolution version of an already existing post.

Updated by anonymous

Your image is just flagged for deletion, it just means that someone thinks your post should be deleted. Ultimately it's up to the janitors or the admins to delete the image. In this case though, I actually think it's because the artist doesn't want anyone editing their artwork.

Updated by anonymous

Here is the guidelines in regards to quality and edits, though do note that if the edit was done without consent from the artist there is always the chance they request removal of said image if they aren't okay with it. Provided it does get past approvals.

Updated by anonymous

I'm a bit busy so I'm not gonna deal with this flag myself, but I just wanted to add that, as of recent, we've been cracking down harder on edits and edit standards. So if your edit either is super minor such as cropping something out or like. Drawing a line on a crotch to make a character nude, there's a big chance it would be considered a lazy edit and deleted.

You can see a lot of this new standard stuff hitting the Tom Fischbach tag lately, for example, as a lot of it until recently were simple edits of his work to include dongs or vaginas

Updated by anonymous

MontyMint said:
Alright so, I saw a drawing that had some pretty out-there kinks and /i thought it looked good aside from that(it was a whitekitten commission posted by a guy named kodanis).

Anyway I took it upon myself to edit it heavily, and by that I mean redrawing some segments and seamlessly removing a whole character and her dialogue. I decide to post it since I know there are other people who would have enjoyed it without the imminent death and cannibalism stuff. I come back the next day only to find that my post was flagged for deletion by kodanis for being an "inferior version/duplicate", of which it is neither in my opinion. It's an image of the same quality minus the kinks the op prefers, that does not make it inferior, nor does it make it a duplicate as it was heavily edited. Seeing as how this is the same guy who posted the original, it comes off as someone abusing their ability to remove posts, as it happened once before with someone else's edit of the same image, albeit not flagged by the same guy.

I never posted any of WK's art. Come to think of it I never post any art. If you don't believe me check my record. I flagged your edit because your edits did not meet quality standards.

Updated by anonymous

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