Topic: Show and tell: Bizarre markings on furries in porn

Posted under Art Talk

Show me the most bizarre markings in furry porn that you can possibly find. Here's an example of weird/clashy colors and patterns.
No offense to artists intended here, I just think its highly entertaining to see and who knows, maybe somebody else finds this entertaining too?

Updated by TheGreatWolfgang

There's some that I adore:
post #255152 post #217293 post #194038 post #194032 post #305783 post #254706

Some I just find fun to look at:
post #377995 post #292419 post #144714 post #298788

and some I don't personally care for (but I'm sure someone loves):
post #158336 post #199360 post #72608

I like seeing the variety of things people come up with though. After all, if I only wanted to see brown fur on anatomically correct bears... then I'd go to a nature website instead. =P

Updated by anonymous

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