Topic: What is your favorite adult beverage?

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It's Independence day, the holiday that's best celebrated by setting off explosives, having barbecues and of course, getting drunk off your ass, so I thought I'd make this post to ask you guys what your preferred poison is (if any).
I've always been a big fan of Jägermiester, I usually drink it straight from the bottle but for special occasions, I'll get some Red Bull and make Jägerbombs. I picked up some Jäg and Red Bull for today because what better way to celebrate America's independence than with german booze?

Updated by wolftacos

Dusk_To_Dawn said:
It's Independence day, the holiday that's best celebrated by setting off explosives, having barbecues and of course, getting drunk off your ass, so I thought I'd make this post to ask you guys what your preferred poison is (if any).
I've always been a big fan of Jägermiester, I usually drink it straight from the bottle but for special occasions, I'll get some Red Bull and make Jägerbombs. I picked up some Jäg and Red Bull for today because what better way to celebrate America's independence than with german booze?

I tend to drink white wines, usually some kind of sweet riesling

Updated by anonymous

Dusk_To_Dawn said:
It's Independence day, the holiday that's best celebrated by setting off explosives, having barbecues and of course, getting drunk off your ass, so I thought I'd make this post to ask you guys what your preferred poison is (if any).
I've always been a big fan of Jägermiester, I usually drink it straight from the bottle but for special occasions, I'll get some Red Bull and make Jägerbombs. I picked up some Jäg and Red Bull for today because what better way to celebrate America's independence than with german booze?

Room temperature bourbon on the rocks. It melts the ice and brings out the sweetness/flavors from the oak barrels. Unless you buy something really nice, the more ice the better.

Updated by anonymous


It's a beverage that can be exclusively produced by adults. In fact, images of the production of milk are generally restricted to adults only.

Seriously though, I really don't drink alcohol. But I do drink about half a gallon of milk a day.

Updated by anonymous

Smirnoff Ice Green Apple, Angry Orchard Green Apple and Crisp Apple, and that one berry hard cider from BJ's

Updated by anonymous

Diet caffeine free Dr Pepper.

It's adult because it took me all my life to learn that I'm sensitive to caffeine.

Updated by anonymous

Water or Dr. Pepper.

wolftacos said:
Diet caffeine free Dr Pepper.

It's adult because it took me all my life to learn that I'm sensitive to caffeine.

Does it put you to sleep, too?

Updated by anonymous

MissChu said:
Water or Dr. Pepper.

Does it put you to sleep, too?

In a way, yeah. Turns out it was making my night insomnia super bad and so I was falling asleep a lot during the day no matter how much I drank during the day. I still fall asleep during the day but the sleep attacks have gone down.

It was also making my anxiety worse. Ever since I stopped caffeine my fight/flight/freeze response to stresses has dropped dramatically.

Updated by anonymous

Scotch, neat, smoky. Lagavulin 16, Talisker Storm, and Laphroaig 10 Cask Strength are favorites.

Also a fan of Proper 12 Irish whiskey if I want something sweeter.

Updated by anonymous

My favorite is strongbow artisanal blend, which is apple cider. Any cider really it's all pretty good.

TheHuskyK9 said:
Smirnoff Ice Green Apple, Angry Orchard Green Apple and Crisp Apple, and that one berry hard cider from BJ's

The good stuff.

Updated by anonymous

The "Schwarzwälder Kirsch"(Black forest cherry) cocoa I mix myself sometimes
- Hot cocoa, whipped cream and some cherry spirit, in reference to this cake

Otherwise Irish coffee,pure Baileys, Mojitos or Jägerbomben (Jägermeister+Red Bull)

Updated by anonymous

Fully filtered water, perhaps with some lime or lemon juice. Grapefruit juice is often a great comfort drink. As a life-long teetotaler, I don't drink or cook with alcohol.

Updated by anonymous

Clawstripe said:
Fully filtered water, perhaps with some lime or lemon juice. Grapefruit juice is often a great comfort drink. As a life-long teetotaler, I don't drink or cook with alcohol.

Cold, filtered water with lemon is something I wake up thinking about in the middle of the night. Thank you for reminding me to buy lemons :D

Updated by anonymous

for flavor I go chartreuse. For drinking for a buzz (don't drink much anymore) I go with spiced rum and root-beer. I prefer being high to being drunk though and even then
I keep an even keel.

The way I see it is simple. if you are drinking to forget or feel better about how bad things are...well you're doing it wrong. drinking is good when you are good and a bad idea if you are in a bad place.

Not to tell others how to live just what I have found over the years.

doomguy666 said:
My favorite is strongbow artisanal blend, which is apple cider. Any cider really it's all pretty good.

The good stuff.

Another Strongbow fan here.

Also a fan of coffee liqueur (Kamora preferred) and Irish cream however... And if I'm in a bar, vodka & cran.

In bulk, the Not Your Father's brand soda alcohol. At gatherings, I enjoy Jack Daniels with a fruit-flavor mixer. I don't like sour or bitter alcohol, and I don't drink often enough to list any fancy names...

I still like malts. Basically alcohol that wants to be soda, stuff like Jack Daniel's Black Jack Cola or their Cherry-Limeade, or similar products like Mike's Hard(er) Lemonade. I can drink the hard stuff, but I don't like that noticeable aftertaste.


Anyone who doesn't say an alcoholic beverage is automatically outing themselves as <21. That being said. Amniotic fluid. I am a litteral fetus after all.

Having an ice cream milkshake right now makes me wonder: has anyone ever tried spiking a milkshake?

backwash9000 said:
Anyone who doesn't say an alcoholic beverage is automatically outing themselves as <21.

I think it goes farther than that. Based on what they name, you can really get a sense of how long someone's been drinking, how often, their mindset about alcohol, and even a little of their socioeconomic status.

Previously, my favorite drink was tequila, I adored it, often it led to bad consequences. It all started small and then it all started to get worse, but when I noticed it was too late, you can say that I became an alcoholic. I was saved by my father who helped me with support and found me a good medicine kooroe helped me get out of this pit.


When I started drinking, I simply decided to go balls to the wall and try everything under the sun. From the fru-fru Seagram's to Everclear. To this day I can't properly answer that question.

As of current, I am attempting to try everything listed in Yakuza 0. I am currently hung up on Chestnut schochu. Current events make its acquisition without excess spending difficult.

lol you guys should've heard some of the reactions of the southern liquor store clerks when I tried to have it ordered "Scho-what?"

backwash9000 said:
Anyone who doesn't say an alcoholic beverage is automatically outing themselves as <21.

This is either a huge insult or a backhanded compliment.

Voda I guess. I've never drink it before I turned 21. And it's quite hard to drink but then you feel like God..

backwash9000 said:
Anyone who doesn't say an alcoholic beverage is automatically outing themselves as <21. That being said. Amniotic fluid. I am a litteral fetus after all.

Why does everyone have to sling around their barely subtle heckling when someone doesn't conform to the mindless and stale group? What the hell are you so scared of? Are you afraid that not drinking alcohol might catch on? Is our non dependence that intimidating to you? Does it make you insecure?

Also, I am twenty-four years of age. You will have to take my word for it because I am not willing to show you my drivers license.

leon_neon said:
Why does everyone have to sling around their barely subtle heckling when someone doesn't conform to the mindless and stale group? What the hell are you so scared of? Are you afraid that not drinking alcohol might catch on? Is our non dependence that intimidating to you? Does it make you insecure?

Also, I am twenty-four years of age. You will have to take my word for it because I am not willing to show you my drivers license.

That could have been said nicer.


Former Staff

Dr. Pepper, I suppose. I'd say Mountain Dew, but they changed the formula over here and it tastes terrible now.

Alcohol? That's for cooking, not for drinking.

backwash9000 said:
Anyone who doesn't say an alcoholic beverage is automatically outing themselves as <21

Dude, if you're reading this, not everyone over the age of 21 drinks alcohol out of religious and/or health reasons. I'm 27 and I rarely drink alcohol. Do not overgeneralize things, and this is coming from me who overgeneralizes things.

backwash9000 said:
Anyone who doesn't say an alcoholic beverage is automatically outing themselves as <21. That being said. Amniotic fluid. I am a litteral fetus after all.

honestly, that's the most "I'm not actually an adult, and the only things I know about adults has been gained through media I've consumed" thing a person could possibly say

genjar said:
I'd say Mountain Dew, but they changed the formula over here and it tastes terrible now.

oh man don't remind me… i'm still grieving about that
do they not drink their own products? how could anyone possible think it was an improvement

also my favourite is absinthe — the french kind

bipface said:
oh man don't remind me… i'm still grieving about that
do they not drink their own products? how could anyone possible think it was an improvement

also my favourite is absinthe — the french kind

Wikipedia says the famed psychoactive properties were due to "poisonous adulterants" such as oil of wormwood, impure alcohol, and poisonous colouring matter (e.g. copper salts). But it also sounds like the science isn't settled on the wormwood/absinthin.

So given that there are various laws, including in the EU, regulating the thujone content of absinthe and other aspects, which absinthe is the "good stuff", if any? Should it be mixed with Mountain Dew?

lance_armstrong said:
So given that there are various laws, including in the EU, regulating the thujone content of absinthe and other aspects, which absinthe is the "good stuff"

honestly i haven't paid much attention to the controversial ingredients; given the sheer alcohol, i doubt i'd be able to drink enough for them to have an effect anyway

Pernod ('recette traditionnelle') is a good one for sure
I have a Jade 1901 but haven't opened it yet

Should it be mixed with Mountain Dew?

dew + Mr Jekyll might work, having a flavour strong enough to cut through the dew and being affordable enough to waste on ridiculous cocktails


I like a lot of different cocktails. For example, Old Fashioned, Martini, Daiquiri, Cosmopolitan. I have always been interested in this area. I am a bartender myself, so my profession is a little present in my everyday life.I use the Unold Barkeeper to make drinks for my friends or guests. It's very convenient, so if you also want to buy one for yourself, you can read the Unold Barkeeper manuals at You may need it.


backwash9000 said:
Anyone who doesn't say an alcoholic beverage is automatically outing themselves as <21. That being said. Amniotic fluid. I am a litteral fetus after all.

Guys, I think we just found out a way of staying young forever: just never drink alcohol, and time will stop running for you once you've hit 20 years old!

It turns out that the fountain of youth was just a regular water fountain the whole time!

For gods' sakes, the under 21 comment was made eight months ago. Quit dredging it up and let it die, already.

azero said:

This. I just finished going through a case of Stella Artois Cidre, which is pretty decent. Not too sweet with a pleasant, clean flavor, and not very aromatic. I'm trying to figure out what cider to try next.

ccoyote said:
For gods' sakes, the under 21 comment was made eight months ago. Quit dredging it up and let it die, already.

welcome to dead forums

aster_viridian said:
This. I just finished going through a case of Stella Artois Cidre, which is pretty decent. Not too sweet with a pleasant, clean flavor, and not very aromatic. I'm trying to figure out what cider to try next.

That one's one of my favorites. I'd recommend strongbow if you're looking for another one. My favorite was strongbow artisanal blend but they don't make it anymore, the gold apple is pretty good though.
There's also a local honey cider that is amazing, but I don't know if you can get that anywhere else. It's called climb hard cider, it's brewed pretty close by to where I live.

aster_viridian said:
This. I just finished going through a case of Stella Artois Cidre, which is pretty decent. Not too sweet with a pleasant, clean flavor, and not very aromatic. I'm trying to figure out what cider to try next.

Finn River makes some ciders that are absolutely phenomenal. Six or seven years ago they made a whiskey barrel-aged cider that's the best I've ever had. Sadly, I haven't been able to find it where I live since.

Link added:


doomguy666 said:

ccoyote said:

Thanks for the replies! I'll try to hunt those down. Btw, what are your thoughts on wine? I grew up imagining sipping from a wine glass and looking all cool and sophisticated, but I actually hate the stuff lol. I would rather do straight vodka shots (if it's good vodka) than drink a glass of wine. At least that's over quickly.

aster_viridian said:
Thanks for the replies! I'll try to hunt those down. Btw, what are your thoughts on wine? I grew up imagining sipping from a wine glass and looking all cool and sophisticated, but I actually hate the stuff lol. I would rather do straight vodka shots (if it's good vodka) than drink a glass of wine. At least that's over quickly.

My brother likes wine and I tried a few different bottles and I disliked all of them equally. I actually can't stand the taste of alcohol but for some reason I do like the taste cider.
As for vodka I could only drink that if it's like 90% sprite.
I drank that once and I've never before or since been that drunk and hungover in my life.

aster_viridian said:
Thanks for the replies! I'll try to hunt those down. Btw, what are your thoughts on wine? I grew up imagining sipping from a wine glass and looking all cool and sophisticated, but I actually hate the stuff lol. I would rather do straight vodka shots (if it's good vodka) than drink a glass of wine. At least that's over quickly.

Sure! I honestly enjoy discussions like this. As for wine, I'm just not a big fan of the tannins that are in the reds, and I find white wines kind of boring. I like sipping things for layers and subtleties, but wine just doesn't engage me. I'd rather taste a row of whiskies or coffees.

There is one wine I enjoy, but it's mostly for nostalgia's sake. I love a nice Riesling!

ccoyote said:

I've only had like half a dozen different kinds, so I should probably keep trying. I actually just remembered that there were two wines I liked okay. One was a sparkling wine, which was basically candy, and the other was a dryish wine with a smoky aroma and flavor. It was different, but I was able to drink it and enjoy it a bit without feeling ill. What I do like a lot is dealcoholized wine, which sounds dumb, but it's actually really tasty. The flavor is really complex and easy to taste without the alcohol. The good stuff is expensive though.

kemonophonic said:
I personally prefer sweet sparkling wine, specifically Riccadonna.

I'll see about trying that one :)

doomguy666 said:
My brother likes wine and I tried a few different bottles and I disliked all of them equally. I actually can't stand the taste of alcohol but for some reason I do like the taste cider.
As for vodka I could only drink that if it's like 90% sprite.
I drank that once and I've never before or since been that drunk and hungover in my life.

Cider is my favorite, but it's kinda alcohol on easy mode lol (not that there's anything wrong with that). And yeah, mixed drinks are dangerous haha. I had a really rough day not long ago and made a giant Moscow mule with a whole bottle of Cock and Bull. Yeah. After that I was literally mixing vodka with water and raspberry syrup and guzzling it, too gone to care. That was the first and only time I've gotten blackout drunk.

There is no such thing as an “adult beverage”, in my opinion. But my favorite drink is herbal tea, leaving out things like Green Tea or Black Tea.

Vodka. Cheap and effective.
I see no reason to buy anything else unless drinking outside.

There is this apple flavoured drink they serve at a pub in New Zealand....been wanting to get there to try it some time.