Topic: Furred shark a shark with fur?

Posted under General

Found this image here with a shark with fur.

post #1954453

Would a species tag be viable for sharks with fur? Kinda like furred_dragons or is there something similar like that already? If not, could there be a furred_shark tag?

Perhaps sticking to a "hybrid" tag is ok. Just a thought that crossed my mind.

Updated by AnimalitoDelBosque

That is just a hybrid. Furred sharks are not established fictional species or a real life thing (obviously). It's just a hybrid of shark and something mammalian.

Updated by anonymous

hiekkapillu said:
That is just a hybrid. Furred sharks are not established fictional species or a real life thing (obviously). It's just a hybrid of shark and something mammalian.

Ah well, it was worth a shot. I tried searching "shark solo fur" after seeing the mentioned image and very few results showed up.

Updated by anonymous

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