Topic: Tag Alias: carrot_wolf -> carrotwolf

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #33282 carrot_wolf -> carrotwolf has been approved.

(post at start of thread has OLD style alias link, added NEW style alias link at top of this post)

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Attempted to submit alias suggestion of carrot_wolf -> carrot_(carrotwolf),
but was blocked by alias suggestion at start of thread. "Error: Antecedent name has already been taken".

Also tried to create BUR and also blocked by "Error: Antecedent name has already been taken".

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I noticed a character getting two character tags:
carrot_wolf (46 posts)
carrotwolf (39 posts)
35 posts tagged with BOTH: carrot_wolf carrotwolf

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says "Carrot is a bit of a feminine canine, ...
His most prized possession is a small stuffed otter named Oscar, ...
By night he becomes Captain Doom, ..."

Captain_Doom could be tag similar to how bruce_wayne gets tagged as batman when in costume.
In addition to otter Oscar, they also have deer character named Swisher (additional Oscar and Swisher text going in reply below .... so this post isn't too big)

Seems that their main character (EDIT) fursona is named Carrot. (see above and below)

So maybe
1) character tag should be carrot_(carrotwolf) (since character is Carrot and FA username is carrotwolf)
2) carrot_wolf aliases to carrot_(carrotwolf) (since oldest model sheet i found had "Carrot Wolf" on sheet. EDIT: and a small percentage of artists put "Carrot Wolf" on art.)

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3 latest posts in FA carrotwolf gallery:

title: "Friday Night
posted a week ago ("Feb 18, 2022") ... OMG, so NEW!
(rating: "ADULT")
description includes "... Art by muzz
Carrot is carrotwolf "

title: "Lost the bet
posted 2 weeks ago ("Feb 11, 2022")
(rating: "ADULT")
description includes "... Wally is walrussneakers
Carrot is carrotwolf "

title: "All aboard"
posted 3 months ago ("Nov 29, 2021")
(rating: "ADULT")
description includes "... Characters from left to right:
Carrot is carrotwolf
M.C is theboiom.c

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model_sheets posted by FA carrotwolf (sorted by date, latest at top)

title: "New Ref Sheet!" (latest ref sheet as far as i can tell)
posted Feb 7, 2020
(rating: "Mature")
with name "Carrot" on sheet.

title: "Updated Reference!"
posted May 23, 2011
(rating: "general")
with name "Carrot" on sheet.
description "This will be the new reference sheet for Carrot. ..."

Carrot Reference Sheet [ Clean! ]
posted Oct 10, 2010
(rating: "general")
"Outdated." (with name "Carrot" on sheet)

e621 has model sheet: post #128044 with name of "Carrot" on it.
FA title "Carrot Ref Sheet by Demicoeur"
FA posted Jul 4, 2010
(rating: "ADULT")

"Commission: Carrot Reference Sheet by nogitsunegabriel
posted Jul 15, 2009 01:16 AM
(rating: "general")
with "Carrot Wolf" on sheet.

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Earliest carrotfox posts at FA:

title "Gift Art: Carrot by Liphx"
posted 12 years ago ("Jun 15, 2009")
[uploaded by CarrotWolf]
"... My very first submission to FA. It's Carrot the orange wolf! ..."

title "Gift Art: Carrot and Karizma by Ginny"
posted 12 years ago ("Jun 15, 2009")
[uploaded by CarrotWolf]
description starts with "I handed over Carrot to my good friend ..."

title "Commission: Carrot by Lady Kix"
posted 12 years ago ("Jun 15, 2009")
[uploaded by CarrotWolf]
description says "This is my very first commissioned piece. ...
Here's Carrot stripping down for the camera. ..."

* * * * * * *

( is named "carrotwolf", has tag-edited carrotwolf posts at e621 so assuming is same furry who is at
Hope they reply here.)


and since carrotwolf has other characters:

MAYBE carrotwolf tag gets changed from character tag to copyright tag???

*** Oscar

FA uploads with Oscar plush (sorted by date .... oldest first):

1) title: "Baby Carrot and his Oscars"
(rating: "general")
posted Nov 23, 2010
"snuggling with his Oscar."

2) title "300th Submission: A quick nap"
(rating: "general")
posted Mar 31, 2011
FA tags "... oscar otter plush plushie just a quick little snooze with my bud oscar ..."

3) title "I love muh Oscars"
(rating: "general")
posted Jun 8, 2011
with text "with my most favoritest plush evar."
FA tags include " oscar the otter"

4) title:"Oscar and Rupert"
(rating: "general")
posted Sep 12, 2011
with text "Oscar (the otter plushie) belongs to carrotwolf"

5) (Oscar included in sketchpage:
title "Carrot sketchpage from Rika"
(rating: "ADULT")
posted Sep 14, 2011)

6) title "Inseparable"
(rating: "general")
posted Oct 31, 2011
"Carrot an' his most favoritest plush otter Oscar.
... Oscar and Carrot belong to carrotwolf "

(those are all the art of otter Oscar that i can see)


Looking around carrotwolf's FA posts and wandered across Swisher the deer

some uploads found via (make sure "Sort by range" is set to "All time")

(sorted by date .... oldest first):

A) title "Kiibas Harem" ("LULZ THIS IS A JOKE ...")
(FA rating "general", but should probably be rated "MATURE")
posted May 18, 2010
uploaded by CarrotWolf,
which says "... new character I thought up named Swisher ( The deer on the right ). ...
... Carrot and Swisher belong to me "

B) titled "Swisher the deer"
(rating: "MATURE")
posted May 29, 2010
uploaded by carrotwolf
... This is my newest character ( NOT FURSONA, ..."

C) title "Me and my boys - A birthday gift from Ajna"
(rating: "ADULT")
"posted Apr 23, 2011"
uploaded by carrotwolf
says "From left to right: Swisher, Carrot, and pineapplesurfer
... Swisher belongs to me."


So characters (found so far) are:
1) Carrot (with alter-ego Captain Doom)
2) Oscar (named plush toys also get character tag at e621)
3) Swisher


earthfurst2 said:
MAYBE carrotwolf tag gets changed from character tag to copyright tag???

Character owners aren't supposed to be tagged.

watsit said:
Character owners aren't supposed to be tagged.

there are few exceptions for no other reason then blacklisting

earthfurst2 said:
and since carrotwolf has other characters:

MAYBE carrotwolf tag gets changed from character tag to copyright tag???

*** Oscar

FA uploads with Oscar plush (sorted by date .... oldest first):

1) title: "Baby Carrot and his Oscars"
(rating: "general")
posted Nov 23, 2010
"snuggling with his Oscar."

2) title "300th Submission: A quick nap"
(rating: "general")
posted Mar 31, 2011
FA tags "... oscar otter plush plushie just a quick little snooze with my bud oscar ..."

3) title "I love muh Oscars"
(rating: "general")
posted Jun 8, 2011
with text "with my most favoritest plush evar."
FA tags include " oscar the otter"

4) title:"Oscar and Rupert"
(rating: "general")
posted Sep 12, 2011
with text "Oscar (the otter plushie) belongs to carrotwolf"

5) (Oscar included in sketchpage:
title "Carrot sketchpage from Rika"
(rating: "ADULT")
posted Sep 14, 2011)

6) title "Inseparable"
(rating: "general")
posted Oct 31, 2011
"Carrot an' his most favoritest plush otter Oscar.
... Oscar and Carrot belong to carrotwolf "

(those are all the art of otter Oscar that i can see)


Looking around carrotwolf's FA posts and wandered across Swisher the deer

some uploads found via (make sure "Sort by range" is set to "All time")

(sorted by date .... oldest first):

A) title "Kiibas Harem" ("LULZ THIS IS A JOKE ...")
(FA rating "general", but should probably be rated "MATURE")
posted May 18, 2010
uploaded by CarrotWolf,
which says "... new character I thought up named Swisher ( The deer on the right ). ...
... Carrot and Swisher belong to me "

B) titled "Swisher the deer"
(rating: "MATURE")
posted May 29, 2010
uploaded by carrotwolf
... This is my newest character ( NOT FURSONA, ..."

C) title "Me and my boys - A birthday gift from Ajna"
(rating: "ADULT")
"posted Apr 23, 2011"
uploaded by carrotwolf
says "From left to right: Swisher, Carrot, and pineapplesurfer
... Swisher belongs to me."


So characters (found so far) are:
1) Carrot (with alter-ego Captain Doom)
2) Oscar (named plush toys also get character tag at e621)
3) Swisher

I would be fine with a tag change if it helps consolidate things. I just don't want there to be confusion since I don't usually see character owners tagged. However, I definitely have seen that there are two carrotwolf tags and would be fine with one of these being aliased to the other. Furthermore, I don't want to step on Carrot's (the artist) toes by adding confusion with my name, hence going by carrotwolf as my FA name shows. A tag of carrotwolf would suffice, of if it needs to be tagged as a character owner carrot_(carrotwolf) would do fine as well.

carrotwolf said:
I would be fine with a tag change if it helps consolidate things. I just don't want there to be confusion since I don't usually see character owners tagged. However, I definitely have seen that there are two carrotwolf tags and would be fine with one of these being aliased to the other. Furthermore, I don't want to step on Carrot's (the artist) toes by adding confusion with my name, hence going by carrotwolf as my FA name shows. A tag of carrotwolf would suffice, of if it needs to be tagged as a character owner carrot_(carrotwolf) would do fine as well.

Non-artist names do get used in character_name_(owner) tags.
There are various characters of non-artists that i've wandered across at 621, but i haven't kept a list. A quick look around i think i found some of them:

examples: characters (of non-artists as far as i know)

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