Topic: Elder Users, how old is your account?

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Just kinda for fun I guess and my curiosity to find out who's been here the longest, this does not count towards admins or mods because they "work" here but for users it's interesting.

I'll start it off, December of 2010 almost up to 4 years exactly. What about you guys?

Updated by Dogenzaka

Every single admin before the Dawn of Dave is/was a user, except char.

Edit: Char was approached by Varka after he brought us the End of Arcturus to lead the site to a better future.
Thus char became the second Lead Admin since the start of e621, to shield us against the follies of arcturus and steer us towards a glorious future full porn and free of the FA drama.

I really shouldn't read warhammer 40k lore this short before bed...

Updated by anonymous

Three years.
Only been active for about 1-1½ though.
Edit: Just like others, I sneaked around for 1-2 years before registering.

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
I've been registered since September 2012, but I've been using the website for probably four years. I was going to say that part of why I initially joined was because I wanted to edit some tags, but I apparently waited a week to do that. I probably did and changed my mind.

I also got tired of having to resize images and I think I wanted to blacklist My Little Pony and text games, specifically Corruption of Champions, because of how frequent they were.

It used to be that you had to wait a week after joining before it would let you edit tags, so that week-long delay you're noticing when looking back might have been from that and not changing your mind. Just a guess. I know I joined to edit tags and then found out the hard way about the wait period. I remember coming back 6 and a half days later and it still wouldn't let me. The site was all "ah ah ah, not so fast! *finger waggle*" and I was like "oh c'mon! It's practically been a week, what are you actually counting down to the exact hour? ffs... *sigh*" But yeah, I'd been thinking about becoming a tagger for weeks before I registered, so by the time I joined I was ready to tag asap....and had to wait instead. lol I think that wait period is shorter now, maybe down to 3 days or something now? I thought I heard that once. As for me, I've only been here since spring of last year, and joined in July of last year. So I'm not one of those who's been here since The Beginning. I rely on old forum threads and old comments to pick up some of the history of what's come and gone over the years. Which can be interesting. But on some things I'm a little bit glad that things have changed over the years because, from the looks of things, e621 wasn't always as functional or welcoming as it is now. So sometimes, the change is a good thing. *shrug*

Updated by anonymous

yeah I've been here since july I'm a kinda a big deal

Updated by anonymous

Pretty much anyone you find actively running around the forums page has about a year behind them or more.

Updated by anonymous

I lurked and creeped before joining used the site for about 4 years, then with the pony flooding, I decided to join because of black list about 2 years ago, does that counts?

Updated by anonymous

I joined March 08, 2010, so I'm at about 4½ years. Although I had been browsing through the porn here for at least a couple of years before then. I also only started being active and actually making use of this account just before the beginning of this year.

I still have no idea why, in my infinite wisdom, I decided to use my regular screen name (even if it's shortened) that almost everyone I'm friends with knows about when I made this account instead of one of my lurker account names. Last I checked, this site is even one of the first results on Google for it. I guess I just have to preface it with a "Don't Google that name, unless you're really interested in seeing the porn I like."

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Blodsho said:
I joined March 08, 2010, so I'm at about 4½ years. Although I had been browsing through the porn here for at least a couple of years before then. I also only started being active and actually making use of this account just before the beginning of this year.

I still have no idea why, in my infinite wisdom, I decided to use my regular screen name (even if it's shortened) that almost everyone I'm friends with knows about when I made this account instead of one of my lurker account names. Last I checked, this site is even one of the first results on Google for it. I guess I just have to preface it with a "Don't Google that name, unless you're really interested in seeing the porn I like."

Or you could just submit a request to have your username changed. :x

Updated by anonymous

April 2010, though I really only started being active here about two years ago. Before that I did have the account but mostly just fapped lurked, with the occasional comment. Seems I wasn't the only one. :O

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
Or you could just submit a request to have your username changed. :x

I could. But it hasn't caused any problems, and the chances of it causing any in the future are slim, despite any paranoia on my part.

Besides I just checked, and the first page of the results on Google now are non-e6 related. The first two things aren't even me, even though I thought I had a pretty unique name. :I

Of course now I don't want all of YOU googling it. a lot of those results are my accounts on some super embarrassing RP forums I was a part of back when I was in high school. They're dumb and stupid and I wasn't nearly as cool as I thought I was back then.

It's always confusing for me at first when people change names anyway.

Updated by anonymous

Just under 5 1/2 years.
I win(except for admins).

Updated by anonymous

@Blodsho was actually just about to say that too, didn't notice any e6 material on google so you were in the clear for now..

But yeah the chances of it causing trouble are slim, honestly doubt an employer is gonna turn you down for your porn preference, that would be like denying someone because their Facebook profile had an extra e in their name. Nobody really should care as long as you get the job done.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

My first account was made soon after the site opened, but I wasn't too impressed by the old admins. Ended up spending couple of years on fchan and rule34 instead.

Long story short, I deliberately chose a nick that I hadn't used anywhere else. And when I came back, I could no longer figure out what it was. Had to make a new account.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Qmannn said:
I was looking for that page when I first posted. Where is that located?

There's a couple of ways to get there, but I always use: My Account (from top bar) -> List -> Search Options.

Edit: Never mind the previous edit. The user list seems dated right, and my math is flawed. E621 turns six years old next month.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Every single admin before the Dawn of Dave is/was a user, except char.

Edit: Char was approached by Varka after he brought us the End of Arcturus to lead the site to a better future.
Thus char became the second Lead Admin since the start of e621, to shield us against the follies of arcturus and steer us towards a glorious future full porn and free of the FA drama.

I really shouldn't read warhammer 40k lore this short before bed...

I like it, sounds so glorious.

Also 5 years EXACTLY today. Wow, what are the chances of that?

(1 in 365 I guess)

Updated by anonymous

Hrm... figured more people would be on here longer than me...

May 2010 here.

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
Hrm... figured more people would be on here longer than me...

May 2010 here.

Most peeps before you have either left the site or just lurk around

Updated by anonymous

The Dog In Your Guitar is the oldest user of all, being here since practically the dawn of e621

Updated by anonymous

errr... *checks* 5 years. March 2009.

I was friends with the guy who made it when we were all living on a sim in SecondLife called Bel Vale. Good times.

EDIT: Ha. wow. I think I beat most admins.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Most peeps before you have either left the site or just lurk around

Tis true, did more lurking back when the staff was insane back then

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
The Dog In Your Guitar is the oldest user of all, being here since practically the dawn of e621

As I recall, that's the username for anonymous users.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
As I recall, that's the username for anonymous users.

Duh, I know :)

It was actually, since the site does not allow anonymous users anymore

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
July 2012, 2 years and 2 months

Lol, no way, I'm older than you.
Jan 2012, lurked around about 6 months before though.

Updated by anonymous

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