Topic: [ESP/ENG] Asexuality

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In English...

If anyone has something to say about Asexuality.

You can say it here.


This thread is for English-Speakers and Spanish-Speakers, but speaking both languages isn't required to leave an opinion at this place.

En Español/Castellano...

Si alguien tiene algo que decir sobre la Asexualidad.

Lo puede decir aquí.


Este hilo es tanto para personas de habla inglesa, como gente de habla hispana, pero hablar ambos idiomas no es requerimiento para dejar una opinion en este espacio.

Updated by mal0mechanic

French_Fried said:
What if I’m Alingual?

If you don't speak spanish, don't worry...

Speaking Spanish isn't a requirement to leave your opinion on this thread.

Updated by anonymous

AlexYorim said:
Is this an Asexuality thread for bilinguals?

[ESP/ENG] is a way to say that this thread can contanin Spanish Comments.

Updated by anonymous

What's to say about it? Some people don't want to have sex. Some people do, but less then what is considered "normal." Don't know why this needs commentary.

It's strange to me that this needs to be addressed, but apparently SOME PEOPLE get so offended by being even slightly different from themselves that they should bully people literally for just keeping their own genitalia inside their own pants. I thought that was considered a basic standard of living in a society but nooooooooo...

Updated by anonymous

CuauhtemocI5MAL said:
If you don't speak spanish, don't worry...

Speaking Spanish isn't a requirement to leave your opinion on this thread.

Alingual means they don't speak any language, or are at least not fluent in any...

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Alingual means they don't speak any language. At all...

Ah, my bad...

Well I don't know what to do if one speaks no languages.

Updated by anonymous

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