Topic: i'm looking from a game like banned from equestria

Posted under Art Talk

Hi i'm looking for lots of flash games like banned from equestria (interactive game) or like the interctive games on e621 (of sonic, pokemon...) but I don't know where to start. could you give me names of lots of games (i loves pokemons, sonic, my little pony but i don't want a flash games when you play with humans)
thank you

P.S: sorry for my bad english i'm french


Spess_Muhreen said:

Skyrim???? It´s à good game but bot a porn game like banned from equestria!?!?

Updated by anonymous

You might also like Trials in Tainted Space:

And you might want to browse around under the interactive (where you can click options, change angles, choose positions, etc although the majority of those are simply sex animations that you can interact with, some are multiple choice stories or almost-games) and the flash_game (all styles of games under there, so some might not by the right kind for you but some will be). Anyways, both of those tags you might find interesting to browse under.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
You might also like Trials in Tainted Space:

And you might want to browse around under the interactive (where you can click options, change angles, choose positions, etc although the majority of those are simply sex animations that you can interact with, some are multiple choice stories or almost-games) and the flash_game (all styles of games under there, so some might not by the right kind for you but some will be). Anyways, both of those tags you might find interesting to browse under.

31h253 said:
post #500726

wow thanks for that i have lots of fun with this games!!!

Updated by anonymous

Crystalinn said:
This isn't quite like Banned, but it's porn, and it's interactive. post #541171

Thanks very much i love e621 for that: you have lots of answers in a short time and you don't have one bad commenting it's just amazing

Updated by anonymous

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