Topic: Birthday recap

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So, I woke up yesterday and ran into the wall since I didn't have my glasses on, and it left a HUGE, ugly bruise on my face, and I looked like an abuse victim.

Then, I ripped my pants in public on the city bus due to my huge ass/hips. It made a terribly loud ripping sound so everyone heard it and turned around to see it. As I was getting off as fast as I could, I heard some jackass do the wolf whistle at me. You have no idea how close I was to clobbering him with my bag.

I got home later that night (I live somewhat outside the city in a little house), and I had some mail in my mailbox. It was from my parents, who hate my guts due to the fact that I'm bi and don't ever plan on getting married/having 1000 grand-kids. They urged me to go to church and confess my sins to god who APPARENTLY hates gays because APPARENTLY the bible said so and I'm a heretic. I got on here for a little bit and browsed e621 + complained about my day, and then I stared the fireplace and burned that letter.

I fell asleep in front of the fireplace, but was woken up by my doorbell ringing. Some of my RL friends (the few people who actaully don't hate me) came over and brought me gifts. I got a $50 gift card to the mall (I plan on using it to buy new pants), and they got me what seems to be a few pounds of mint chocolate (I love mint in case you couldn't tell lol). We talked and had fun, and around midnight, they left and I was feeling better already.

I slept 'till about an hour ago, and I'm gonna also buy some makeup tomorrow to help cover up my bruise, since I don't wanna get mistaken for an abuse victim lol.

Updated by Tokaido

Sorry you had a shitty day. Here, have some music. :)

In my opinion, if your parents are being such jackasses, you should cut off all ties with them. It'll be better in the long-term.

Updated by anonymous

And then you woke up and realized it was all a dream.

Updated by anonymous

Good to hear that it got at least better towards the end of the day.

Updated by anonymous

Wow, your parents are fucking dicks! No offense, but how could they just do that to you, and on your birthday no less! I can't believe some people who can't just accept others for who they are, but I hope you get better.

Updated by anonymous

Told ya you'd have a better day! Hope it keeps that way!

Soo.... glasses, huh? :3

Updated by anonymous

I'm reasonably sure that it's not appropriate to call dibs on people.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
I'm reasonably sure that it's not appropriate to call dibs on people.

Dude, I'm joking

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Sorry you had a shitty day. Here, have some music. :)

In my opinion, if your parents are being such jackasses, you should cut off all ties with them. It'll be better in the long-term.

I kinda already did. They still have my address tho, so they bombard me with mail and shit. Ah well, I'm not sad or anything, they were kinda dicks towards me even before I was bi, since they wanted me to be a mathematician (no fucking joke) and they would flip out if I got a B.

The way I look at it, I hope that hell exists so they can rot in it. ^U^

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Sorry you had a shitty day. Here, have some music. :)

In my opinion, if your parents are being such jackasses, you should cut off all ties with them. It'll be better in the long-term.

I kinda already did. They still have my address tho, so they bombard me with mail and shit. Ah well, I'm not sad or anything, they were kinda dicks towards me even before I was bi, since they wanted me to be a mathematician (I wish I was joking) and they would flip out if I got a B.

The way I look at it, I hope that hell exists so they can rot in it. ^U^

Updated by anonymous

Spess_Muhreen said:
The amount of "give me attention" in this post is amazing.

And you responded to it anyways. :)

Updated by anonymous

Mintina_Galaxy said:
And you responded to it anyways. :)

Do you want a medal or something? Geez.

Updated by anonymous

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