Topic: Image scoring system ? Can't understand it

Posted under General

Hello everyone !
Sorry if it's been explained somewhere, but I've been mashing the forum search button for the last hour, and I can't seem to find it...
How does the image score work ? I guess it's a complex calculation out of number of views, upvotes, downvotes, favorites etc, but I don't see how...
For instance :

One upvote, zero downvote, 39 favorites, SCORE : 1

Zero upvote, zero downvote, 29 favorites, SCORE : 5

...??? How does that work ?

Thank you all :)

Score appears to have nothing to do with the number of Favorites a picture has. Rather, it seems to be the overall "up/downness" of a picture's votes. In your first example, the Score is a green 1, thus it has one more upvote than it has downvotes. In your second example, the Score is a green 5, thus the picture has five more upvotes than downvotes. Were the Score ever red in color, that would mean there were that many more downvotes than there were upvotes. I put it as I have because a picture with five upvotes and four downvotes would have the same score as a picture with only one upvote and no downvotes.

Addendum: ...And I clearly don't know what I'm talking about.


The up/down score on old posts doesn't seem to be fully filled in. I will have to write something to update the older posts to fix the incorrect numbers where it makes sense to do so. It should be (up - down)

ahmes said:

Zero upvote, zero downvote, 29 favorites, SCORE : 5

...??? How does that work ?

Thank you all :)

Posts submitted before the new site launched won't have their pre-revamp votes individually counted. The old votes are still there, but the new site resets all the upvote and downvote counts back to 0 for those old posts.

I have started a background process to import the up/down vote counts into older posts. So things will correct themselves over the next several hours.

Historical up/down votes that were properly recorded are now visible. The site did not always record votes the same way, so don't expect everything to match up exactly.


Thank you all for your answers and especially thanks to the admin :) You'r doing a great job!
Now i'm just wondering what makes a vote down... Seems that a few people really don't like female domination :')

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