Topic: anthrofy animals, or feralize yourself?

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If you had a chance to, would you anthrofy all animals, making them humanized, etc, and be able to score with them, seeing as they'd then have a human brain? Or would you rather be a feral, and be able to mindlessly go around fucking everything with a hole, foxes, dogs, mailboxes, etcetera?

Personally, I'd choose to anthrofy every animal. I'd love to meet post #264928

Updated by Phantom Janitor

We'd lose a ton of sources for commodities such as food and clothes. So no.

I also don't want to be a different animal.

And please either use the thumb function or give a warning, please.

Updated by anonymous

Can I anthrofy maybe... 1% of the animals? Then new races would be introduced but animals would still be around doing animal things. Also this way the animal races would start off with low populations and would have to build themselves up, so the global ecosystem wouldn't be so suddenly and drastically turned on its head.
...I just over-thought the hell out of that, didn't I?

Updated by anonymous

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