Topic: Tag alias: equinox -> noxy

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions


Former Staff

The tag alias #47380 equinox -> noxybutt has been rejected.

Reason: Same artist.

Equinox is their old name - they have switched to noxy and its variants (noxybutt, noxyart, noxyponi, etc) everywhere years ago. Equinox isn't used literally anywhere else besides this site, making things somewhat confusing.
Proof: equinox-pony tumblr blog, which is used as a source by some of their older artworks, now redirects to noxybutt

EDIT: The tag alias equinox -> noxybutt (forum #297871) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

EDIT: The tag alias equinox -> noxybutt (forum #297871) has been rejected by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

Goddamn it. You are right, thanks for pointing it out.
That's what I get for rushing this.

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