Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: internal_testes -> internal_testicles

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I’m not sure about either of those tags. With TWYS, how do you tag something that isn’t shown? Like, what does internal testicles look like and how can the tag apply to the image? The only thing I can think of is x-ray shots showing the internal testicles but almost every post with the tag doesn’t have that

thehuskyk9 said:
I’m not sure about either of those tags. With TWYS, how do you tag something that isn’t shown? Like, what does internal testicles look like and how can the tag apply to the image? The only thing I can think of is x-ray shots showing the internal testicles but almost every post with the tag doesn’t have that

I guess there's a reason no balls is an invalid tag.

thehuskyk9 said:
I’m not sure about either of those tags. With TWYS, how do you tag something that isn’t shown? Like, what does internal testicles look like and how can the tag apply to the image? The only thing I can think of is x-ray shots showing the internal testicles but almost every post with the tag doesn’t have that

Yep, I feel that ideally this tag should be used only for posts featuring internal shots with the testes being seen as internalised, similarly with prostate or bladder. Not when there are no_balls.
I would be okay with keeping the tag but with the alias flipped.

On the other hand, something tells me internal_testicles would get confused with retracted_testicles/retracted_balls.

No_Balls should probably be reclassified to alias towards something like "empty_scrotum" or some such

Otherwise no on this. Not only because the Op isn't just wrong on the terminology (there is no functional linguistic difference between then) but that as mentioned before. Unless via X Ray or otherwise its extremely difficult to prove or disprove whether or not a character has such and that qould mean we start tagging ovaries.

Im no expert but IIRC e621 is not in the business of gonad essentialism.

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