Topic: (solved)How do I search (x or x+y)?

Posted under General

How do I search (x or x+y)?

For example, I want to search raptor or raptor with human, but not human without raptor.

Is this supported?
It is possible to group tags and treat then as one on the query?


!!!Oops I messed up!!!
Wait , We might be wrong.

If you search with "dromaeosaurid", you'll discover "dromaeosaurid human" too, right?
There is post #2479910 in search : dromaeosaurid human. But it can also be found in search : dromaeosaurid.

Because :
A = dromaeosaurid , B = human
Z = Is it What you want?
0 = not exists/No , 1 = exists/Yes
A,B => Z
0,0 => 0
0,1 => 0
1,0 => 1
1,1 => 1
Therefore , Z = A , It doesn't matter if B exists or not.

Venn Diagrams :
What you want to see is A ... It contains A ∩ B , isn't it?

Of course, search : dromaeosaurid doesn't include "human without raptor", so we could have just searched on that!


goldencarrot said:
How do I search (x or x+y)?

For example, I want to search raptor or raptor with human, but not human without raptor.

Is this supported?
It is possible to group tags and treat then as one on the query?

Raptor ~solo ~human


The suggested raptor ~raptor ~human will just give the same results as raptor