Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: instant_loss_2koma -> 2koma

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag implication #35364 instant_loss_2koma -> 2koma has been rejected.

Reason: I'm not sure what the 2koma tag by itself is even intended to mean, but from context I assume it simply refers to a 2-panel comic featuring an abrupt cut.

EDIT: The tag implication instant_loss_2koma -> 2koma (forum #299620) has been rejected by @Millcore.

Updated by auto moderator

I don't know what exactly a 2-koma is, but I know that a 4-koma is a 4-panel comic that is generally comedic, with the panels usually arranged vertically. "4-koma" is literally Japanese for "4-panel (comic)". That being said, I find it strange that instant_loss_2koma apparently includes 3-panel comics too.

A two-or-three frame comic in which a character suggests they will be victorious in the first frame and is proven wrong in the second or third frame. Frequently depicts the mating_press position with a rear_view. Does not necessarily have to revolve around winning anything and can even be subverted on occasion.

Google image searching "2コマ" ("2-koma" written in actual Japanese) did not return 3-panel comics. Am I overanalyzing this? Probably. Does any of this actually matter? Not sure.

-1 : instant_loss_2koma is Not always 2koma ....*puffff* Excuse me. But I didn't expect to see this here, either!

I think This is 即堕ち2コマシリーズ / 即堕ち , a kind of "what be expected"[ お約束 ].
Simply put, It mean "strong Character loses in a short period of time 2-panel".
There will be other guys who will penetrate her. ← for here, I would call "the guys".
↓1st : introduction : There're Characters[ zoroark / gardevoir ]. They make fun of the guys , Or to pretend to be tough.
post #2399902
↑2nd : conclusion : But the scene suddenly changes to the ending. And the Character instantly know they was wrong by the guys.

== In 1st panel ==
The characters can seem strong or cool. And they make fun of the guys.
---They said "Ughhh , you have a schlort!!" , "too early to defeat us!!" (Sorry, I'm Not a native speaker) When It is the guy's view , We who see the image feel frustrated.

Now , You know that They are Marked_For_Death [ MFD ]? I'm convinced they're going to lose. In Japanese it is called 死亡フラグ.

== In 2nd panel ==
Contrary to their assumptions, they are at the mercy of the guys, and they get penetrated by the guys. Most of the times, it's intense.
At last, they fell into pleasure[ 堕ちる ].
In a regular 4-koma , there should be four-parts structure --- 起承転結 : introduction, development, twist, conclusion
But in instant_loss_2koma, There's basically no "develop" and "twist", and suddenly going to the "conclusion".
In other words, it features : "introduction" ⇒ "conclusion" , Omission of the process . That's why this is one of instant_loss [ 即堕ち ]
That approach emphasizes the gap[落差] in their attitudes.

The MFD does exactly what we expected, and the image ends as we feel the speed, short of time, their fecklessness, and pleasure of "what be expected"[ お約束 ].
So , The cruel (sexcial) treatment they who seemed "strong or cool" get, makes We enjoy instant_loss_2koma.

== Then, is it 2koma? ==
I said 2-panel , no develop and twist, sexcial treatment. But artists do Not necessarily have to follow that rule.
As @CrocoGator has seen, it can be a 3-panel.
post #637786 post #873421 3-panel "later /seconds" makes easy to understand. post #2328943 No Panels but 2 structure.
If the artist want, can lose a panel or turn it into a video. [ instant_loss_2koma webm ].
This artist , uses 2 images .

thevileone said:Instant loss could be split up into other panel tags if necessary. I'm sure the three panels are included for convenience.

You're right. It's just 2-panel is the minimum, one of the way.

Therefore , instant_loss_2koma is Not always 2koma.

== In addition ==
※There're non sexcial or cruel. Look, She said "I'm going to make you see how horrible I am" , But she's purring now.
DeviDevi the cat was pretend to be tough But fell into pleasure.
She was treated against her will. So it's enough to call instant_loss_2koma .
In e6 , this image seems it. Bathym defeated the villain and took away his fear in an instant in 2-panel!!

Another Example : Please watch the movie until 00:04 , and do skip to 00:16
If this was an illustration, and that cat was a pleasure (in seconds), then this also would be enough.
Perhaps, when told the name of the her favorite very delicious snack at 00:06, her attitude has changed, so maybe that's enough for instant_loss. I'm not sure, though.

※There is another pattern
In 1st they say : 絶対 ~ なんかに負けたりしない! I'll Never lose against it!
In 2nd they say : 勝てなかったよ... I couldn't beat that...

※My idea of instant_loss_2koma minimum requirements is
●In 1st (or 2nd) : [ make fun of ] or [ to pretend to be tough ] or [ "I'll Never lose against it!" ]
●In 2nd (or 3rd) : "Suddenly changes to the ending" is needed. The character's sudden change in attitude is also important.
Plus [ fell into pleasure ] or [ treated against him/her will ] or [ "I couldn't beat that..." ]


I'll change some expression a bit But the meaning is the same.
Sorry , I'm late. I finally got back to my computer...

furrin_gok said:Are those really instant loss?....

True, with all the images I used as examples, including the 3-panel ones, of course.

~~ Meaning ~~
instant_loss[即堕ち] means :
 In a short time with the Character,
 to fall into (sexcial) pleasure, Or to be defeated [ to be a loser ] against their own will,
 by someone And play into someone's hand.

The Meaning of the Japanese Language...

即 ⇒ quickly , immediately , suddenly , as soon as they do ... I mean ちょろかった , "That was too easy."
I call the Cup_Noodles 即席, easily quickly done, wonder if "instant" means the same thing as it.

堕ち ⇒ To get into something bad.
Usually we Japanese write "fall" as 落ちる.
So using 堕 is on purpose... for 堕落 , corruption , deterioration , depravity.
Fallen_angel = 堕ちた天使 , 堕天使. "Falling from the light-side to the dark-side" ⇒ 闇堕ち .
Well, most of the time it's used in the sense of sexcial, though.

This is also a kind of "what be usually expected from us"[ お約束 ], after all.
It is often repeated in manga, TeleVision, animation, and drawing. ( Maybe I can call it the chord progressions in composition as well. )
I wonder if you would call it "temlpate" or "formula" or "formulaic plot".

~~ Differences ~~
So I was about to say instant_loss and instant_loss_2koma are the same,
But apparently there're some differences.

  • 即堕ち instant_loss ⇒ It's enough to show what happens After a character loses And if it can tell us it was instant / easy, Whatever before that.

It can be a part of the story, or a single image to complete it.
For example, it would be this image . [Note : She says "Leete Latobarita Uruth Ariaroth Bal Netoreel" -> play into someone's hand , she must not do That!]
As you can see, it's just one image, no panels, But we do count it. It's a rarity these days and hard to find.
※ Important : If it is to be completed by a single image, it will have to look like it clearly is. otherwise, it would Just be a sexual one --- This rule is not just for e6.
It's one way for a character to say some know , "I couldn't beat against that...", Explain the situation in the image anyway.
However that's Not enough to call it instant_loss_2koma, as is that pixiv image!

  • 即堕ち2コマシリーズ instant_loss_2koma ⇒ Of course it has to be "instant_loss" . And, this one needs to show the Before And the After, "introduction" and "conclusion" .

What the Before and After should be is what I said in my previous post↑↑↑. the Character doesn't have to say a line if they can show it with two panels.
The artists can use as many panels as they want, because the two panels should exist within it. The minimum form is 2 panels/structures. In other words , it means 2コマで即堕ち, Falling/Losing in 2 panels.

~~ It is important to look like ~~
Why we do count these?, I guess you'll all want to ask me. that's because...
The process between Before and After is omitted and the characters look like they've instantly lost in a short time.
It may in fact take some time between Before and After, and it may not be easy because they may resist. ← It also makes us enjoy imagining it.
But omitting the process makes "the character look like That".

In these templates, the omissions make us feel
●the difference between 1st and 2nd panel  ●the difference in attitudes
●surprise of the sudden ending/finishing   ●funny how the facts are different from how they look to us

So, if the process between Before and After has been drawn, we canNot count it as either instant_loss Nor instant_loss_2koma.

In my opinion,
- the Before is until the character's attitude is shown : Unless the image surprises you, it should show MFD.....Make us expect it, Because It's a template like That!
- the After is almost a finishing scene : I mean the MFD needs to do exactly what we expected. Again, Because It's a template like That!
I think my example does not against that rule.

~~ Then... ~~~
Instant Loss needs to be unaliased from Instant Loss 2koma : The artist who draws this case is rare, but it is possible as a fact.
Instant Loss 2koma could imply instant loss, But Not 2koma (2 panels) : It has to be instant_loss. But it doesn't need to have 2 panels!
● change 2koma to 2 panels : I thought it was weird too - we don't have to call 2-panel as 2koma /2コマ, so we follow the e6 naming rules, aren't we?


binagon said:2koma becomes instant_loss_2koma like this...

Hmmmmm.........This is extremely subtle, I'm not sure if Yes and No. That's a rather good question.
I said , to be instant_loss/即堕ち, it is important to be what "After" is.
But the important 2nd panel of that image has been replaced by another meme called Loss.
I don't know that meme well though...anyway, I think of it in terms of how it looks to me.

1st : a Cat is provoking a Wolf.
post #1885094
2nd : The Cats get sad, And The Wolf get sad too.

Why the Cat is sad? ⇒ Because her kid died? this point, I don't care why.
Why the Wolf get sad too!? ⇒ Does he take pity on the cat? Then, that's not what he wanted at 1st.

So in the first place, it's not 即堕ち -- falling into pleasure or Not play into wolf's hand.
She is losing, but Not against the wolf = She needs to be defeated by the wolf. Because she said that line to him. 
Therefore I think it is Not.

Perhaps the artist's idea of what "Loss" means...流産 / 堕胎 / abortion? losing: a game, or a bargain, or a gamble on fate...Did not win...
Hmmm... , that's completely different from 堕ち(る)/falling into (sexcial) pleasure...It's not in the , physical sense ....
But If the wolf had been a smiley face, I might have said yes.
Then my understanding of this image will change to "She got impregnated And play into wolf's hand".

To make sure...

To make sure , I asked my Japanese work colleague, "Is my understanding about instant_loss/即堕ち correct?"
and he said "True" and "I think Not,too."

The reason I did this is to avoid breaking the rules in case my understanding is wrong.
Because there was no topic discussed on this yet.
With reference to external sites, I have taken it upon myself to give my own opinion.

I am absolutely not allowed to make false statements. ← That's what I saw in the ticket center, and I understand what not to do in e6.
So , Could you lend me your knowledge? or Could you tell me your questions? I would be glad to accept.

However , That image (at least in the 1st panel) uses the Instant_Loss_2koma way.
For that reason alone I believe We can do count it, at least in e6.
( If she had been mute on the 1st panel, I would have said with certainty that It is Not, though. )


==== Supplement ====
※ Important : If it is to be completed by a single image ( = If the artists only draw "the After" ),
It will have to look like (TWYS) Instant Loss 2koma /即堕ち2コマシリーズ (or Instant_Loss) clearly is.
Especially in Instant_Loss/即堕ち . Otherwise, it would Just be a sexual one --- This rule is not just for e6.

For example , I want you to compare these two.
#1 With lines post #442987 vs post #442989 #2 Not with lines
I can say with certainty that I can do count them both as Instant_Loss and Instant_Loss_2koma.

Now, What If there was no 1st panel?

  • For #1(←) : She says, "I couldn't beat the stylus...".

Therefore I can understand it is Instant_Loss BUT it is NOT Instant_Loss_2koma.

Therefore it is NEITHER Instant_Loss nor Instant_Loss_2koma

In case of #2 Moreover, There is another problem...The 1st and 2nd should not be separated.
Because it is difficult to distinguish "when there is a sequence of different kinds of images". We can doubt, but cannot corroborate!
The proof of #2 is only that 1st and 2nd exist in the same image.

Example already : As you can see, it is divided into two images.
#3 Before post #1880485 ⇒ #4 After post #1880482
However, with seth's line in the 1st, I can understand that this is the template, So I can do count them both as Instant_Loss_2koma.
If he doesn't do so in the 1st(Before), I think he should do so in the 2nd(After), or do something else in the 1st.
→ example , Say "I couldn't beat..." in 2nd , or Take a more strong-looking attitude in 1st. This is just my opinion

==== So I think ====
- for #3 divided Before / 1st ⇒ only Instant_Loss_2koma ( = this image is part of it ) I noticed that, It's the "Before", so can't tag instant_loss...
- for #4 divided After / 2ndInstant_Loss + Instant_Loss_2koma
...Needless to say, these images can't be tagged as 2koma / 2panels, unless it looks like, right?

- for #1#2 Images contains Both Before and After ,1st and 2nd (and 3rd)Instant_Loss + Instant_Loss_2koma ( + 2panels )
※In the case of No panels must be considered.


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