Topic: [REJECTED] Fake Paws BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I don't really think a pair of paw_socks that just has a paw pattern on the bottom should count as fake paws.

post #1026510

A lot of posts under the paw_shoes tag are shoes that go on paws, not shoes that look like paws. There's no wiki definition for which the tag is actually supposed to be intended for.

post #2432947 post #2439922

The wiki definition for paw_gloves says: Gloves that either mimic the appearance of paws or are designed to be worn on top of animal paws.

faucet said:
I don't really think a pair of paw_socks that just has a paw pattern on the bottom should count as fake paws...

I guess you're right about that. The differing definitions of paw_gloves is a problem, it should definitely be one or the other, and their tags should generally be standardized.

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