Topic: what the heck are implications??

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Ok, for tagging, there are aliases (which change one tag to another) and implications, which do I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT.
Whenever I try to act smart in e621 with aliasing and tags, I always get shot down by some dude whos been in e6 for 6 years saying "oH, ThIs iS ALrAdY ImpLieD sO I dOnt KnOW wHaAT yOUrE oN aAboUt" and I sit there... confused.
What are implications? is it like some kind of substitute for aliasing? what does it do? why do poeple keep saying i'm dumb?

I see that you've had problems with aliases as well. Don't worry, even I had trouble figuring it out the first couple of times.

To make it even more simpler:

  • Alias means to make A into B, i.e. everything tagged with A becomes B.
    • For example, clothes (redundant tag) has been aliased to clothing (preferred tag) because they both mean the same thing. So, if someone tags clothes in their posts, it automatically becomes clothing.
  • Implication means to make A also mean B, i.e. everything tagged with A also includes B.

You have to also understand how implication tag chains work. Some tags can be implicated to one thing and that thing can also be implicated to another, i.e. A means B means C.
One example would be shirt. Shirt is implicated to topwear, and topwear is implicated to clothing.
This means that shirt is also "indirectly" implicated to clothing, due to its association with topwear.
So, asking for shirt to be "directly" implicated to clothing would be redundant, because topwear already does that trick.


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