Topic: Porn

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Okay I like looking at Gay or Bisexual furry porn but I get turned off by real gay porn? Why is that?

Updated by Lekkiyo

Fetish maybe? I like both IRL and furry gay porn not bisexual as much in eaither furry or IRL but in all blunt honesty bisexual is ok depending on what it is for me at least....

Updated by anonymous

Maybe you find that animal buttholes are more attractive to you then human buttholes?

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
There was another thread that explains this

can you find it? I kinda want to see that... I won't post on it don't worry

Updated by anonymous

maybe because it's real?... sometime things are better when they are not real... real sux \(^o^)/

Updated by anonymous

Kämpfer_Xeon said:
You like what you like. No need to dwell upon it.

Why not? Thinking about things, questioning them, is part of rational thought.

Updated by anonymous

Because usually gay males in the furry fandom are extremely feminine, or have feminine qualities about them. I feel the same way, I mean take Marty or that sashabelle dude, they are quite feminine and really the only thing that isn't making them a girl is breasts and a lack of a dick.

Updated by anonymous

brian_humanimal said:
Im sorta the same way. I do occasionally watch gay/bi porn but given a choice Id rather look at this stuff. And if possible I would do a horsemorph any day over the hottest guy, hands down, no competition..

OK.... I understand we're all furries here... But still.... Nobody wants to know what you wanna fuck the shit out of. Leave that shit to yourself.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
Maybe you find that animal buttholes are more attractive to you then human buttholes?

But animals don't wipe their assholes. We do, therefore our bungholes are clean as a hospital corridor.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:


Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Sexuality and sexual attraction (or lack thereof) is a crazy complex thing. I gave up trying to understand it and just roll with it. :P

For instance, I will never ever understand the appeal of scat porn, or macro characters "crushing" smaller characters, but it sure does seem like there are people that are actually into it. Although there may be some exceptions out there, I don't think people can really change what they're sexually attracted to; it's just part of being human I think.

Updated by anonymous

I've never liked real gay porn because it's just the worst acting I've ever seen, and I know how bad the usual porn acting is. Additionally, all the "actors" are probably straight guys that just failed their education so badly.

Updated by anonymous

Backdraft... that kind of sounds like some unpleasant bowel problem.

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
Backdraft... that kind of sounds like some unpleasant bowel problem.

post #175007
this should help if u don't know who backdraft is

Updated by anonymous

gaydukey said:
this site
ps backdraft so hot

are you trying to get banned?

Updated by anonymous

There are probably a number of reasons behind it, I'm much the same way - I find a lot of the furry/drawn male-on-male quite appealing, but I've never found another man in real life - porn related or otherwise - who I'd even think about in a sexual manner.

As has been already stated, most drawn males, both in the furry and hentai/anime porn realms, are very feminine, which appeals to the straight part of your brain. In real life, very few men are that feminine, and those who are are usually a little weird looking. Another bit that's already been said here: sometimes real isnt as good as what the imagination comes up with.

Think of an alternative scenario: anal sex with a woman. In porn, it usually looks attractive and 'sexy'. What they dont tell you is that the woman has a few dozen hot enemas before the scene so she's got a perfectly clean backdoor. Real life anal sex... not so clean, usually very messy and very, very smelly.

Another reason, and one that I tend to go with for my personal opinion on the matter, is that the human penis is just unattractive. It is, for the most part, smooth and featureless. It is plain, it is bland, it is boring. Furries, on the other hand, have a variety of interesting and unique penis designs - from the swollen knot of a canine to the erect barbs of a feline or the double-phallus of a shark or reptilian.

The brain is hardwired to find new and unique traits to include in the gene pool. You may not realize it, but a lot of sexual attraction comes from an instinctive need to branch out and add diversity to your offspring - so finding these unusual penis shapes (or vagina shapes) signifies a primitive part of your brain that what you're seeing is different, and different means adding diversity to your genes.

It could also be something as simple as the fact that most people have imperfections that make them less attractive, while drawn porn tries to emphasize all of the traits that are considered good and minimize all those considered bad in order to appeal to the largest audience possible.

Updated by anonymous

The furry agenda.

They hate humans and want to end humanity by turning straight people gay.

Updated by anonymous

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