I was participating in topic #27854, and this question crossed my mind. Essentially, I want penetration tags to be reworked into penetration and insertion tags to remove the ambiguity of what some tags mean (i.e. vaginal_penetration is the penetration of the vagina, but penile_penetration isn't the penetration of the penis, it's the insertion of the penis).
However, you can't have penetration without insertion, and you can't have insertion without penetration, the two tags imply each other. If two tags are mutually implicated, they always appear together on every post, and are essentially just roundabout aliases. I'm not even sure the site supports mutual implications, but if it does, should they almost always be replaced with aliases?
Edit: Also, does anyone have the capacity to create a visual tree graph/pseudoforest/whatever of every implication on the site, or is that not possible?