Topic: Five Nights at Freddy's 2: Demo Being Played online

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A few Youtubers have gained access to FNAF2 and have posted some videos. Have you watched them yet?

Updated by JoeX

Nah... I'm not really interested in that game.

Hey, you asked!

Updated by anonymous

Didn't the first one just come out a couple months ago?

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Didn't the first one just come out a couple months ago?

The second isn't set for release until next year, but yes, the first one came out in August.

TheHuskyK9 said:
Sweet beans, someone tell Markiplier!

He's one of the people playing.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, this is far scarier than the first one. Honestly, though, the new Chica's adorable when she's not killing you.

Updated by anonymous

I'll never understand how this game ever got popular, nor how the dev racked up enough cash to make a sequel.

It's like Slender all over again.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Second one was released yesterday.
It's on Steam now.

Wow, that's a nice surprise.

Updated by anonymous

Oh giddy, that means another influx of largely mediocre puppet porn.

Updated by anonymous

I've always felt that video game sequels should be substantially different from their predecessors, i.e. the new engine should be able to do things the old engine couldn't.
Otherwise, the sequel is just an expansion pack, like Doom 2 was for Doom 1.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
I've always felt that video game sequels should be substantially different from their predecessors, i.e. the new engine should be able to do things the old engine couldn't.
Otherwise, the sequel is just an expansion pack, like Doom 2 was for Doom 1.

The game is quite different from the first.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, In FNAF 2 you are a guard that has to close doors and turn lights on. Way different.

Jk, I've never watched the video for FNAF 2 nor do I care :U

Updated by anonymous

Rusteee said:
Yeah, In FNAF 2 you are a guard that has to close doors and turn lights on. Way different.

Jk, I've never watched the video for FNAF 2 nor do I care :U

In the second one, there's no doors, you have to watch out for the old and new versions of the animatronics, you get to hide behind a Freddy mask so they don't attack you, you have to keep a music box in one of the rooms playing so the old ones don't wander around, there's more rooms, AND your character gets paid less than before :p

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog

I just watched that with my little nephew 5 minutes ago o.o

Updated by anonymous

So, uh, the complete game is already out. Apparently, Scott saw that the game was perfect and he released it in full. RaedWulfGamer, dlive22891, Jacksepticeye, and LordMinion777 are doing full playthroughs already.

Edit: A bunch of fucking idiots out there are saying it's a prequel.

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog

I've never heard of it, should I be afraid?

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
I've never heard of it, should I be afraid?


JoeX said:
A bunch of fucking idiots out there are saying it's a prequel.

Yeah. There's so many idiots claiming that it's a prequel even though the original 4 antagonists are strewn about the game, and they TRY TO KILL YOU. They're just taking what they see in videos and trying to make crap out of it because they can't play the Demo yet. The wiki even says there is a Freddy2.0, Chica2.0, Foxy2.0, and a Bonnie2.0. Meaning they're new. Idiots these days.

The only reason they're calling it a prequel is because of the Phone Guy being on the phone, but that could easily be Mike, who you played as in the first FNAF who got sent to day shift. So many theories for a game that just came out.

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:

Yeah. There's so many idiots claiming that it's a prequel even though the original 4 antagonists are strewn about the game, and they TRY TO KILL YOU. They're just taking what they see in videos and trying to make crap out of it because they can't play the Demo yet. The wiki even says there is a Freddy2.0, Chica2.0, Foxy2.0, and a Bonnie2.0. Meaning they're new. Idiots these days.

The only reason they're calling it a prequel is because of the Phone Guy being on the phone, but that could easily be Mike, who you played as in the first FNAF who got sent to day shift. So many theories for a game that just came out.

Also, the phone guy mentions the fact that there are no doors this time. In other words, there were doors last time. Calling Five Nights at Freddy's 2 a prequel is like calling Sea Salt a virgin. It's not true no matter what you say.

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
The only reason they're calling it a prequel is because of the Phone Guy being on the phone, but that could easily be Mike, who you played as in the first FNAF who got sent to day shift. So many theories for a game that just came out.

They're also calling it a prequel because once you beat the game, you'll notice the paycheck they give you is dated 1987.

Updated by anonymous

Dogenzaka said:
They're also calling it a prequel because once you beat the game, you'll notice the paycheck they give you is dated 1987.

Yes, but the paycheck in the first FNAF had a date of "11-13-xx" meaning it had no definite year that anybody knows about. Could've easily been before 1987

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
Yes, but the paycheck in the first FNAF had a date of "11-13-xx" meaning it had no definite year that anybody knows about. Could've easily been before 1987

We could just skip the middleman and ask Scott Cawthon himself to put it all to rest. I still think it's a sequel, but it looks like most people think otherwise.

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
Yes, but the paycheck in the first FNAF had a date of "11-13-xx" meaning it had no definite year that anybody knows about. Could've easily been before 1987

No, it couldn't have. The phone guy in the first game mentions the bite of '87, which happened before the events of the game. The FNAF wiki mentions that paydays are often on Fridays. The original paycheck reads 11-12-xx, but the night 6 check reads 11-13-xx. It mentions that he's most likely working in one of the years November 12th fell on a Friday. Those years are 1993, 1999 and 2004. I'd say it's most likely that the game takes place sometime within these years or the future. This is all pure speculation, of course.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
No, it couldn't have. The phone guy in the first game mentions the bite of '87, which happened before the events of the game. The FNAF wiki mentions that paydays are often on Fridays. The original paycheck reads 11-12-xx, but the night 6 check reads 11-13-xx. It mentions that he's most likely working in one of the years November 12th fell on a Friday. Those years are 1993, 1999 and 2004. I'd say it's most likely that the game takes place sometime within these years or the future. This is all pure speculation, of course.

Or 1982, or 1976. etc..

I feel I should point out that 2010 also had Nov 12th on a Friday, and isn't in the future, but I'm sure you just overlooked that.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Or 1982, or 1976. etc..

I feel I should point out that 2010 also had Nov 12th on a Friday, and isn't in the future, but I'm sure you just overlooked that.

It did? The wiki didn't mention 2010. It just mentioned the years between 1990 and 2009.

Updated by anonymous

So many good points. Maybe Scott just didn't think the entire thing through when he made the game and were all fussing over nothing. Original Chica, Foxy, Bonnie, and Freddie are obviously completely beat up and destroyed. It tells us directly that they were dismantled and powered down and what not, yet the paychecks tell us that it could be a prequel. I personally don't think anybody is going to figure out what the true answer is until someone actually beats the game and the Wiki is fully updated.

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
So many good points. Maybe Scott just didn't think the entire thing through when he made the game and were all fussing over nothing. Original Chica, Foxy, Bonnie, and Freddie are obviously completely beat up and destroyed. It tells us directly that they were dismantled and powered down and what not, yet the paychecks tell us that it could be a prequel. I personally don't think anybody is going to figure out what the true answer is until someone actually beats the game and the Wiki is fully updated.

People have already beaten the game multiple times. Just go look at the 5n@f general on 4chan. A lot of people are saying that a lot of the shit doesn't make sense because the creator rushed the game and fucked everything up.

Updated by anonymous

at least Scott cawthorn isn't a diva dev like Phil fish was

Updated by anonymous

Dogenzaka said:
People have already beaten the game multiple times. Just go look at the 5n@f general on 4chan. A lot of people are saying that a lot of the shit doesn't make sense because the creator rushed the game and fucked everything up.

Yeah, I saw a couple completions shortly after I posted that.
The thing people don't seem to get is that they're rushing Scott and stuffing so much cash up his asshole for FNAF2 that he wanted to get it out as soon as possible. If you're going to beg for the game to come out soon then you're going to get a game that has a lot of problems with it, especially when it comes to the story that's in the game. I'm sure Scott will make some changes to the game in a few updates.

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
I'm sure Scott will make some changes to the game in a few updates.

Yeah, I think so too. In fact, Scott added something specifically to help debunk a myth in the first game. Supposedly, setting the animatronics' difficulty levels to 1/9/8/7 would have unlocked a secret ending. This was bullshit, of course. However, Scott got so sick of it, that when he updated the game to version 1.13, he set it so that the Golden Freddy kill screen would pop up whenever someone set the difficulty settings to 1/9/8/7.

Updated by anonymous

I'm sure the 1987 on the check is just an easter egg for those that played the first game.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
he set it so that the Golden Freddy kill screen would pop up whenever someone set the difficulty settings to 1/9/8/7.

Lol. Never knew that one.
+1 Scott

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
If you're going to beg for the game to come out soon then you're going to get a game that has a lot of problems with it, especially when it comes to the story that's in the game.

That's the thing, we were all expecting a 2015 release date. He said he was putting out a demo, and then he'd get back to working on the game. No one asked or expected him to put out the full(if we can call it that) game months ahead of schedule. We all could've waited if it meant that shit wouldn't have been fucked, and Old Bonnie and Old Chica weren't assholes.

Updated by anonymous

Dogenzaka said:
That's the thing, we were all expecting a 2015 release date. He said he was putting out a demo, and then he'd get back to working on the game. No one asked or expected him to put out the full(if we can call it that) game months ahead of schedule. We all could've waited if it meant that shit wouldn't have been fucked, and Old Bonnie and Old Chica weren't assholes.

I guess that's true. I just read something a while ago about how he thought it was done and that's why he put it out. Old Bonnie and Old Chica could just be some scripting bugs, which is why they're assholes.
Either way, like ALL games, it's eventually going to come with a patch / update, so I'm not too worried about it. But I might wait until after he fixes it to get the game so that I don't get so stressed out over how douchey those 2 are.

Gotta say though. I'm loving how the game is so far. The one (technically two) thing you had in FNAF1 was the two doors, which you could close when they came by and you'd know that you were completely safe from harm.
Now they're gone and you're a sitting duck.
Adds so much to the fear factor. I LOVE it.
But at the same time, it's a pretty bad design for a SECURITY room. What security room has no doors, no windows, and two open vents that can be accessed from other parts of the building? Blasphemy!

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
Lol. Never knew that one.
+1 Scott

Scott's sense of humor is a bit macabre, but I love it.

Updated by anonymous

Actually, Scott originally had trouble with uploading the demo and basically said "fuck it" and just uploaded the full game on Steam. He said this himself here.

Honestly, even if the demo was released later than he promised, I really wished that he waited too. A lot of things don't make sense and it's unclear whether or not this is actually a prequel. Not to mention the animations seem kind of... awkward to me? I mean, they aren't bad but, if you're looking all the way to the left or the right of the office and you get jumpscared by Foxy, it appears that he's jumping from the wall. And the animatronics that appear in the hallway look like static pictures rather than a 3D model like they are when you're viewing the camera.

If Scott decides to make some changes, great. I still wished he waited though.

Updated by anonymous

CockServant said:
Actually, Scott originally had trouble with uploading the demo and basically said "fuck it" and just uploaded the full game on Steam. He said this himself here.

I mentioned that earlier.

Updated by anonymous

I actually realized why people think FNAF2 is a prequel, but it's mostly because of the paycheck you get at the end of the game, being dated 1987 and how the Golden Freddy suit was stolen (Even though it doesn't say the Golden Freddy suit specifically, just that a suit was stolen. Who the hell would be able to lug around mechanical suits that big without being noticed?)
But at the same time, the place closed down in 87 BECAUSE of The Bite of '87. Maybe he just got a paycheck that was from '87, or it could be that it's in the exact same year that they tried to reopen the place?
It's still confusing because there's evidence that it's a prequel, but at the same time there's a crap ton more evidence that it's not. For example, the character Mangle was created because they thought Foxy was too scary for children, and they gave Mangle to the kids to disassemble and recreate or whatever in the Kid Cove.
Scott really needs to fix / explain dis shit.

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
I actually realized why people think FNAF2 is a prequel, but it's mostly because of the paycheck you get at the end of the game, being dated 1987 and how the Golden Freddy suit was stolen (Even though it doesn't say the Golden Freddy suit specifically, just that a suit was stolen. Who the hell would be able to lug around mechanical suits that big without being noticed?)
But at the same time, the place closed down in 87 BECAUSE of The Bite of '87. Maybe he just got a paycheck that was from '87, or it could be that it's in the exact same year that they tried to reopen the place?
It's still confusing because there's evidence that it's a prequel, but at the same time there's a crap ton more evidence that it's not. For example, the character Mangle was created because they thought Foxy was too scary for children, and they gave Mangle to the kids to disassemble and recreate or whatever in the Kid Cove.
Scott really needs to fix / explain dis shit.

Watch the last markiplier video of fnaf2, it explains everything.

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
Watch the last markiplier video of fnaf2, it explains everything.

Already watched it, but he doesn't explain everything and he doesn't validate that it's a sequel. The amount of things that say it's not a prequel overpower the things saying it is imo.

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
Already watched it, but he doesn't explain everything and he doesn't validate that it's a sequel. The amount of things that say it's not a prequel overpower the things saying it is imo.

He said it's a prequel in the video...

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
He said it's a prequel in the video...

As much as I like Markpilier and his videos, I'm not going to instantly praise him and say he's right just because he saw the Paycheck at the end of the video. I'll leave it up to Scott to tell us whether it's a prequel or not.

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
...just because he saw the Paycheck at the end of the video.

Actually, he said it might be a prequel near the beginning of the video because of the phone call...

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Actually, he said it might be a prequel near the beginning of the video because of the phone call...

Yes, because the Phone Guy was supposedly dead.

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
Yes, because the Phone Guy was supposedly dead.

But the phone guy said that he would replace the dude with himself for the nightshift later in the vid...

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
But the phone guy said that he would replace the dude with himself for the nightshift later in the vid...

I understand that. I'm not clueless when it comes to this game, what the Phone Guy said, any dialogue, anything. I'm just saying it doesn't matter what was said and what wasn't, there's too much proof that it's a sequel and too much proof that it's a prequel. It's easier to just wait until Scott says something about it. The FNAF2 Wiki isn't even fully up yet. Nobody knows everything about FNAF2 yet.

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
Nobody knows everything about FNAF2 yet.

But Scott and his crew does...


Updated by anonymous

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