Topic: Youtube mascot.

Posted under Art Talk

Okay. I wanna start becoming a Poketuber. I want Houndoom as my mascot and I was wondering if any of you would be interested in making line art of a houndoom for my channel or if you guys knew anyone who drew pokemon art. I can color it. I just need line art made.

Updated by Servant

Your best bet would be to save up a small amount of dosh and then commission and artist to do it. Line art tends to be cheap, and certain artists already work below their actual worth.

Updated by anonymous

I would, but I do not have working scanner right now

Updated by anonymous

Do you have a deviantART, FurAffinity or Weasyl? There are plenty of artist on those websites that could give you a variety of different types of pieces (line art, flat color, shaded, and so on). You'd have to do some searching, but it's worth it in the end!

Updated by anonymous

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