Topic: Should transformation implicate species and forms?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

It sounds pretty logical to imply them, but are there any cases where it shouldn't be?

For example, could feral_to_anthro be tagged on a series of seperate images in a pool, where the first image may not yet depict a fully anthro character? Or would these images just not be tagged with feral_to_anthro at all to begin with?

faucet said:
For example, could feral_to_anthro be tagged on a series of seperate images in a pool, where the first image may not yet depict a fully anthro character? Or would these images just not be tagged with feral_to_anthro at all to begin with?

That's precisely my question. Would they be better off not being tagged feral_to_anthro? Very few images aren't tagged with both. Imo if we're following twys, both would have to be present. Otherwise it's better tagged as implied_transformation or after_transformation.

faucet said:
For example, could feral_to_anthro be tagged on a series of seperate images in a pool, where the first image may not yet depict a fully anthro character? Or would these images just not be tagged with feral_to_anthro at all to begin with?

If they're separate images, and the first one doesn't depict the transformation starting yet, it shouldn't be tagged with transformation. If there's enough to tell it's becoming anthro, then *_to_anthro and anthro would seem to be appropriate.

I'm generally for this idea, but I do sometimes find it difficult to tell when a post depicts to-feral vs to-anthro:
post #2552427 post #2555071 post #2498198

They're clearly in the middle of a transformation from human, but will they become feral, or end up more anthro? Difficult to tell by looking. Though I suppose that would more-so call into question the human_to_feral or human_to_anthro tag itself, rather than it implicating feral or anthro.

nekozuki said:
That's precisely my question. Would they be better off not being tagged feral_to_anthro? Very few images aren't tagged with both. Imo if we're following twys, both would have to be present. Otherwise it's better tagged as implied_transformation or after_transformation.

Something can depict ambiguous form transformation without necessarily being good for implied_transformation or after_transformation. Like Watsit pointed out, not all transformation is easy to tell if the end result is anthro or feral. Many pictures show enough for species_transformation and mid_transformation, but depending on the perspective and angling, or the specific way that artist drew that particular image, it could still be difficult to tell if it's anthro or feral.

I can agree though, that it seems logical to imply the base components to their respective *_to_* tags. Assuming there's no possible way for this to not be true, I'd support this.

On a related note, I'm surprised I've never seen a form_transformation tag. Species_transformation explicitly mentions it's not to be used for same-species transformation from/to feral, anthro, or taur. Unless I'm missing something, there doesn't seem to be a tag for that, though.

I have thought about this for a while. Sometimes, I will see the first image of a transformation pool get removed for not being relevant (the character being human) when the rest of the pool or series is the character turning into something. This is also a pain when someone only posted the first image of the series, so uploading the series results in it saying it is a duplicate of an existing deleted post.

perhaps imminent_transformation should be a widely used tag, but then it wouldn't always be tag-what-you-see. This is another one of my annoyances with e621. Something I would think could work is if pools acted more like posts. For example; a pool could take every tag from every post in it. Then, when searching, it would be turned off by default, but you could do type:pool or ispool:true and it will show pools rather than individual posts inside that pool.

But thats just asking too much…

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