Topic: Mental health support 24/7

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I love all of you, if you need help or just need to chat PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just chat!

9001 said:
I love all of you, if you need help or just need to chat PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just chat!

People who I once thought were friends have been trying to gaslight the shit out of me...

9001 said:
I love all of you, if you need help or just need to chat PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just chat!

I miss feeling proper emotions, It's so hard to feel them anymore...I don't do it on purpose...I miss emotions...

9001 said:
I love all of you, if you need help or just need to chat PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just chat!

I get anxious on things, and get stressed out on things.

alexyorim said:
I get anxious on things, and get stressed out on things.

The pro gamer move is to not feel anything at all. One eventually gets tired of feeling sad, so you just stop caring.

monke47 said:
Mental health support on a furry porn website. Ok

The genesis of a great idea?

I don't think OP is qualified or sleep deprived enough to give mental health support 24/7, though.

lance_armstrong said:
The genesis of a great idea?

I don't think OP is qualified or sleep deprived enough to give mental health support 24/7, though.

Yeah. It's a bad idea to share your mental heath issues to nonprofessionals. They'll give you shitty and non-helpful advice, or advice that doesn't apply to anyone else.

Venting in moderation is fine, but it's a different level to discuss mental health.

alexyorim said:
Yeah. It's a bad idea to share your mental heath issues to nonprofessionals. They'll give you shitty and non-helpful advice, or advice that doesn't apply to anyone else.

Venting in moderation is fine, but it's a different level to discuss mental health.

Talking to someone is better than silence.

We dont know if op is a pro bono therapist.

Hey, that’s very sweet of you.

All of my dearest friends are dying, and I’m the only person who will be alive in the next 5-8 Years. That’s how much I’m guesstimating, anyways. I’ve developed a limitless hatred for drugs and all substances, because that’s what’s killing my friends.

One of my best friends is vomiting literally every Morning, and has been for the past 5 Years. He says he doesn’t know why, and he ignores me whenever I tell him to see a Doctor. He’s losing way too much weight, and I’m scared.

The other is smoking marijuana & getting drunk near the same times, repeatedly, again and again. It certainly doesn’t help that she has taken up cigarettes as well. As some of you know, getting high on pot and drunk on alcohol near the same times is dangerous. It could potentially lower your heart rate down so low, that it just stops.

nathmurr said:
Hey, that’s very sweet of you.

All of my dearest friends are dying, and I’m the only person who will be alive in the next 5-8 Years. That’s how much I’m guesstimating, anyways. I’ve developed a limitless hatred for drugs and all substances, because that’s what’s killing my friends.

One of my best friends is vomiting literally every Morning, and has been for the past 5 Years. He says he doesn’t know why, and he ignores me whenever I tell him to see a Doctor. He’s losing way too much weight, and I’m scared.

The other is smoking marijuana & getting drunk near the same times, repeatedly, again and again. It certainly doesn’t help that she has taken up cigarettes as well. As some of you know, getting high on pot and drunk on alcohol near the same times is dangerous. It could potentially lower your heart rate down so low, that it just stops.

Seeing that your post is less than a month old...

For me, substance abuse is the worst thing at all. But is being pushed by the idea that it is "cool", or that is somehow a "cathalist" for social relations amongst young people... and the worst thing, is that that seem to have a bit of truth, for what I saw the last time that I went to school, few years ago.


I have never understood why people take drugs. I personally have lived in hell in many occasions... specially in high school, many years ago, .. but Furry saved me. That is way I believe I am one of the most deeply and hard core Furry of this and other forums, or the whole Planet. “Furry before the Furry Fandom... furry when the Fandom is but a long gone and forgotten thing.”

(Although the Fandom seems right now growning and strong, fortunately).

So after that, I never took drugs, nor I felt I would need them.

Once in a internet porn forum, many years ago, I befriend a Spanish-Italian girl, with a very difficult history... she was a model and then she was diagnosed cancer ... and she deliberately went into drugs, with the intention to crash. But then a miracle happened: a close relative of her picked up her and not only he made whatever necessary to cure her from severe addiction, but also, make her treat her cancer very aggressively, so she was (almost) cured.

The love and admiration I felt for her, and hearing her story, made me understand that maybe there are really life situations, unbearable, that really could push people, sane people, to that. But still, I don't believe her case was representative of most other cases.

I definitely think that there is something like "the international drug lobby", for things like Marihuana... that bomb the people with lies that is "not harmful", "is a thing for freethinking, liberal persons", "artists, social fighters".

If something, I guess that that story of my friend is at least an example, that there is some people that need help to get out of it, if they still can. But not everyone is capable of help everybody and in an “individualistic society”, sometimes our advices will not be well received.

At least you, like me, have the Furry (a source of beauty and hope, for more delusional or fictional that may be), that maybe could sustain us.


I've found that the best mental health support is some range time every weekend, and a stiff drink every other night, and lots and lots of furry porn. I recommend that to everyone.

marflebark said:
I've found that the best mental health support is some range time every weekend, and a stiff drink every other night, and lots and lots of furry porn. I recommend that to everyone.

based. Two of those aren't happening with me for very different reasons but I respect

MexicanFurry said: lots of stuff

I think it's less some concentrated effort and more the fact that people have a tendency to go too far in the opposite direction. People hear exaggerations about these drugs, then they learn that some of the things they heard aren't true, and their broken trust leads them to assume everything they heard was a lie and that there are never ay downsides at all.

Fenrick said:

I think it's less some concentrated effort and more the fact that people have a tendency to go too far in the opposite direction. People hear exaggerations about these drugs, then they learn that some of the things they heard aren't true, and their broken trust leads them to assume everything they heard was a lie and that there are never ay downsides at all.

Marihuana for example, is not that you will see that your skin fall apart if you smoke it, OK. But in young people, it hinders the full development of synaptic connections in the brain. Then, they do not develop their full intellectual, cognitive, potential. It is a subtle, not evident effect.

And yes, you may start with that thing, but you don't know with what s**t you are going to end up.

Lance Amstong said:

The genesis of a great idea?

I have noticed that, regarding membership (users) e6 is something like a "high pressure system". Users are entering the site at an incredible rate, something like 1 every one or two minutes… or something like that. But they are also suspended by the Mods at a very good rate, not as high, though.

I do not criticize at all the moderation. The objective of this site, if I am not mistaken, is to be a very large collection of images, superbly well classified (tagged), it that is possible. This objective I think that is been attained. Since many years I have been following, e6 have been growing well... but in the last times I see that images began to be uploaded at rates that I couln’t imagined to be possible. This forum for example, I think is geared more towards the needs of that goal, not necessarily to encourage much the casual interaction among regular users... specially interactions that could lead to conflict (e.g. political discussion).

I don't know if the mods have to invest much time with a horde of users that couln't hold the most elemental decorum. I have seen (because I liked to explore the site in the last days) users banned for things like: "Do not talk to the images", "We are not interested in reading your fetish. Keep it to yourself".

Maybe we Furries are people in average not so much adjusted to certain rules and demands. I still believe that Furry itself is a therapy for many of us.

9001 said:
I love all of you, if you need help or just need to chat PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just chat!

Now I think, that I don't know if there exists a Furry Forum, with a more or less regular structure that some text dedicated forums have: Free discussions, Politics, Science & Technology, Literature, Love & Relations, Psychology (= "Tell us your problems"), etc. In which the users could talk and talk of such topics, but STILL as a "Furry Forum".

Do such forums exist or have existed?

It will be not feasible because lack of interest from the Furry community? (no market).

Or they have existed, but eventually self-destruct?

mexicanfurry said:
I have noticed that, regarding membership (users) e6 is something like a "high pressure system". Users are entering the site at an incredible rate, something like 1 every one or two minutes… or something like that. But they are also suspended by the Mods at a very good rate, not as high, though.

Average registrations per day 173

That is 1 every 8 minutes. Except that is the average for the entire site's history. It could be faster or slower now.

User count 904,841
Unactivated users 123,195 14%
Banned users 14,072 2%
Members 890,568 98%

Surprisingly not that many bans. Some of them are ban evaders.

lance_armstrong said:

Average registrations per day 173

That is 1 every 8 minutes. Except that is the average for the entire site's history. It could be faster or slower now.

User count 904,841
Unactivated users 123,195 14%
Banned users 14,072 2%
Members 890,568 98%

Surprisingly not that many bans. Some of them are ban evaders.

That's wild, with such a large daily growth in users it makes me wonder what the future of this site will look like

timewolf said:
That's wild, with such a large daily growth in users it makes me wonder what the future of this site will look like

They will have to charge money and hire paid moderators.
Who can work from anywhere in the world, and look at porn all day.
Great for your résumé!

Idk if this forum is about mental health or what ever but man if I'm on here looking for positivity then I have a depression issue and I'm now realizing that woo

Well...I'm personally okay, but the only advice I can give is this:

-people care about you, trust me. Nobody wants to see people suffer. Sure, I can hear the joke a mile away of someone saying they want certain people to suffer(and I ain't touching that can of worms) but no matter what, no one wants to live by someone's suffering 24/7. We (humans) are a social creature. Heck, look out wherever you live. The place you live in, the places built are made by people working together that can date as far back when two people thought it would be easier to work together than separate. As cliché as it is, we're all in this together.

- a simple thing you can do is take a minute or two, stop what you are doing, clear your thoughts, and breath. Inhale 5 sec. Exhale 7 sec. Relax. After all of that focus on what the problem is, and take it step by step, piece by piece. Or think of the things that make you happy.

- this may sound stupid and silly but when I'm down in the dumps or when the bad days seem especially bad, I go to YouTube and watch some Mr Roger's neighborhood. Childish? Maybe, but he is a calm voice in the worst of times. Heck, he talked about topics such as death, divorce, even the JFK assassination when it happened. He kinda offers a light in dark times

Well, that all I can think of now....if it helps, I'm happy to make a few days easier.
If not, we'll, I'm sorry and know even I like and care about you. You are special. You are smart. And more than anything, you deserve happiness or love. And I'll leave you with a quote and a video link

"You've made this day a special day, by just your being you. There's no person in the whole world like you, and I like you just the way you are.”
-Fred Roger

truetocaesar said:
Mental health support on a furry porn website. Ok

I remember reading an interview with a dominatrix, and she described it as giving her clients the therapy they weren't getting.

kventinavagaro said:
My friend took antidepressants for a long time and he began to have mental problems, all that the doctors prescribed only for a while helped, and then began more mental problems.
Instead of antidepressants, I try to go outdoors more often, take vitamins, drink herbal teas.

Medicines work differently for each person. Some people might benefit from long time prescriptions, while others develop reactions or immunities.

I just deal with my suffering. I don't need drugs to trick my mind into thinking things are sunshine and rainbows.
I rather just acknowledge that the world sucks, my life is insignificant, and I'll just exist till I'm dead.

I'll just do whatever I want till I die in my sleep, get hit by a car, mugged, or whatever fate has in store for me.

I mean, yeah, I'm depressed, but I will rather be self-aware and live with it than hideaway or escape with drugs or something.
That's what hobbies are for.
video games, reading, writing, and other misc. things to do. Just keep busy and not think of stupid crap like hurting yourself or suicide.
ngl though, I probably should get revaluated, see what's NEW going on up in my head.

Thank you. I actually am starting therapy in a few weeks time and I've been doing my best to be open about the experience of seeking help. It is always nice to see someone focusing on mental heath, definitely after this wild year with COVID.

A visit to a psychotherapist would definitely do me good. I thought I was going crazy until my girlfriend was able to find where can I buy window blinds . She took me shopping for a month. I was ready to buy the first ones I saw, but that wasn't enough for her. Apparently, she wanted to fuck with my head. Apparently, if our relationship continues to develop like this, I will have to ask for help.


Uff... in these times, with the pandemic and associated stressors (economical, familiar, or personal isolation) people have a lot to bear.

I used to self-study psychology in my free time, specially the books of this great author.

So the idea that I have, right now, ist that we humans are the result of our upbringing and usually are "automatized" into a lot of behaviours that act against our own interests and concious desires, maybe more often than not. Just biologically, for example, we have dayly a limited amount of physiological and psyche "energy" that we have to manage to just keep going, and if some is left, to work for a long term objectives. So most of us are frail and delicate "living machines", in a complex and random World full of obstacles (and sad to say it: also people that do not want our wellbeing and human fullfillment).

However, if we became aware of some critical facts, and we change or perspectives a bit, we could START to (a.) weight the obstacles and opportunities, successes and setbacks that present to ourselves in a proper manner, and (b.) work more and more for the attainment of our immediate wellbeing, and increasingly, in more distant goals, and dreams.

So I agree with the users here that seriously recomend the seeking of competent psychological help, if you feel you need it. And why not, also to begin to read more about those themes and make and effort to undestand yourself.

Currently I am reading the book of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi "Flow". I recomend it specially his first chapter, in where he presents his model of the brain as an input - output information device, and its relation with the concept of "happiness", retaking concepts of the Aristotelian philosophy of "happiness".

But now that I think about it, to draw furry art seems to be a very good therapy, of the kind this author recomends.



(A furry song about this, why not ;-) ).


Simplified Story

So I've been experiencing very consistent social isolation, mostly due to autism, along with the anxiety, depression, & insomnia that goes with that.
Been isolated like that, sometimes better/worse, for 15-17yrs.
I'm still in my 20s, so that's good for now.

I'm able to go to therapy & live somewhere despite being unemployed, even if where I live isn't all that nice, thanks to being an Army vet that's service connected with the VA.

I've mostly solved the anxiety, depression, & insomnia. I have ways to diminish them even as those continue to exist.
But as it goes, problems find other ways to show up.

Right now I'm struggling with mental blocks, brain fog, &/or confusion from said isolation.
I read a lot about my problems to figure things out.
The most accurate things I'm finding are studies & other informational articles on how isolation results in executive dysfunction, reduced capacity in other mental areas, among other similar conditions.

I'm not sure if it's part of the aging process where problems hit harder the longer they go. Or if experiencing therapy had me develop a baseline social craving that makes my former resilience difficult to summon or other wise be useful.
Or all the things.
But, the loneliness is hurting more than it used to.

I do know that depressed &/or lonely people tend to gravitate towards porn, & addiction in general.
Having a mental support outlet for porn sites is sensible, assuming qualified professionals.
For now though, just realize, without a professional, these types of things work best as a venting &/or feel good thread.

No problem solving. Just lay down the baggage & sympathy/empathy/compassion.


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