Topic: The search for an old comic.

Posted under Art Talk

So when I was first introduced to the furry fandom, I came across a NSFW comic. And I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the comic or where I found it. So I hope you guys can help me out.

The comic medieval style, if I remember correctly, and it's about a dragon (male) who goes to a tavern and rents a room or something. he meets a female (human, if I'm correct) and they have sex in the tub. Then they crash through the ground and land in the tavern where everyone can see them.

It's a short comic, I believe.

If anyone can direct me to where I can find it, I would be most grateful.

Updated idea. Maybe a few extra details might help track it down.

  • Were the characters fully colored? Black and white? Pencil sketch? Extremely detailed?
  • Was there dialog? Was it in English?
  • Was it multi-page? (that is, was it more than one image/file)
  • Approximately how long ago was this? (2 years, 5-10 years, "I had Windows 98")
  • Was there any really distinct features? (impossibly large genitals, rape, internal cumshots)

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said: idea. Maybe a few extra details might help track it down.

  • Were the characters fully colored? Black and white? Pencil sketch? Extremely detailed?
  • Was there dialog? Was it in English?
  • Was it multi-page? (that is, was it more than one image/file)
  • Approximately how long ago was this? (2 years, 5-10 years, "I had Windows 98")
  • Was there any really distinct features? (impossibly large genitals, rape, internal cumshots)

It was in English. It was like... 0-10 pages long, I believe. It was about 4 to 6 years ago. I THINK it was in black and white.
It's long ago, and I only read it like once or twice.

Updated by anonymous

Shade_Teh_Wolf said:
It was in English. It was like... 0-10 pages long, I believe. It was about 4 to 6 years ago. I THINK it was in black and white.
It's long ago, and I only read it like once or twice.

I really looked and I couldn't find anything that fit the description. Perhaps you might have better luck than I did with a search like ~dragon ~scalie comic rating:e female -solo or ~dragon ~scalie monochrome rating:e female -solo (assuming it's even on e6). I'd recommend starting from the last page since it's older (or use order:id, but you'd have to remove one of the tags and you can only do 6 tags at once).

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
you can only do 6 tags at once).

Or add some of the tags from your search to your blacklist, that way you can add more tags in your search :p

Updated by anonymous

The problem is. I don't even remember if it was on e621. I tried searching a lot of things to find it, but I have never found it. Even with all my blacklist things turned off.
If it was on here, it has to be deleted. Now that I have thought some more, I can recall some kind of title, but I'm not sure if it's the right title. (I'm not sure about most things...)
I BELIEVE it was called 'dragonslayer' or something like that... the dragon in the beginning was covered in blood and carried either an axe or a sword.

You'd think it'd be easy to find... I mean, how many comics feature a male dragon and a human female sexing it up in a tub before they crash through the floor down into the pub/bar.

Updated by anonymous

Looking for "dragonslayer" in the pool section return a dragon slayer pool, by max-dragon, although it was DNP content so I was deleted, but with the name of the artist you should be able to find it
on other sites than e621 assuming it was the right one of course.

Updated by anonymous

Yyunko said:
Looking for "dragonslayer" in the pool section return a dragon slayer pool, by max-dragon, although it was DNP content so I was deleted, but with the name of the artist you should be able to find it
on other sites than e621 assuming it was the right one of course.

Tried searching google for max-dragon. That's not it.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
That sounds like either something that Karno would write, or from this vixine webcomic.

Karno? The one from 'Here there be dragons' ?
No, that's not it. The draw style was different.

Updated by anonymous

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