Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: inui_(aggressive_retsuko) -> borzoi

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

lilac_sash said:

Then, there's your problem. An implication always causes X tag to also be tagged Y, in this case your suggestion would make Inui_(aggressive_retsuko) always be tagged Borzoi. But the character might not look like a Borzoi, so tagging them as one in those instances would be incorrect. Hence why we don't imply characters to species, it's always possible that they don't look like the species in question. And et cetera for cosplay, it is possible that someone who is not a Borzoi is cosplaying Inui, and tagging such posts with Borzoi would be incorrect.

siral_exan said:
If someone decides to draw her as a mouse, would she still be a Borzoi?

Though I agree with the example given...why would anyone draw her as a mouse? Unless there was plot or a story to go with that, to me, that's just disrespecting the character. Like...why would anyone do that?

That's like turning Lola Bunny into a Duck and saying "This is Lola Bunny" that just makes no sense. That's my two-cents on that bizarre notion. Show me a pic of a popular character being species-bend, blow my mind.

closetpossum said:
Though I agree with the example given...why would anyone draw her as a mouse? Unless there was plot or a story to go with that, to me, that's just disrespecting the character. Like...why would anyone do that?

That's like turning Lola Bunny into a Duck and saying "This is Lola Bunny" that just makes no sense. That's my two-cents on that bizarre notion. Show me a pic of a popular character being species-bend, blow my mind.

There's not a lot of examples in Lola_bunny alternate_species, so let's use Disney alternate_species chartags:>0 -fan_character instead. And then there's wolf_link alternate_species and rabbit_link alternate_species, featuring Wolf Link and Rabbit Link being drawn as something other than a wolf or rabbit... it's not uncommon for an enthusiastic fandom to draw their favorite characters in different forms. E6 treats canonical alternate forms, such as the aforementioned Links, with either their own separate tag or with the same character tag if it's too minor of a visual change; Link wouldn't be tagged alternate_species for being Wolf Link, but Wolf Link would be tagged alternate_species for looking like a fox.

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