Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: puffy_nipples -> puffy_areola

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #50743 puffy_nipples -> puffy_areola has been rejected.

Reason: These 2 tags have a huge amount of posts each, but they refer to the same thing.
From the puffy_nipples wiki:

Nipples that are puffier than average.
Since the areola is often informally considered to be "part" of the nipple this tag is often used to refer to areola (as with most of the nipple tags).

EDIT: The tag alias puffy_nipples -> puffy_areola (forum #304287) has been rejected by @Millcore.

Updated by auto moderator

While nipples (the pointy area) and areola (the skin around the pointy area) are similar to each other, they aren't the same thing and are utilized differently from one another. The wiki for puffy_nipples may need some editing and/or refinement, and puffy_areola needs a wiki drafted.

See also topic #14754 for a similar alias and the reasoning against it.

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