Topic: I need a artist!!!

Posted under Art Talk

I need someone who can draw explicit art of my and my friend's mlp oc. I can only afford $20 to pay you.You don't have to be like the next Vincent Van Gogh, but I still want it to look good.I cant draw myself for my life, so please help me!!!!

Updated by TheHuskyK9

I'd suggest checking to see what kind of rates various artists have for their sketches and maybe their inks, as well, since $20 isn't going to buy you a highly detailed painting. If you could provide some information on the style you're looking for, that'd be beneficial in helping us help you. :>

Updated by anonymous

i could draw it. im a bit short on money and little more money would be nice.

Updated by anonymous

Can confirm, mutisija is a very talented artist, I'm sure he could do your OCs proud :D

Updated by anonymous

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