Topic: FA drama and BS

Posted under Off Topic

To clear things up for those who have NO CLUE whatsoever about what's been going on in the past few days, I'll summarize:

Starrykitten WAS an admin-type person. Then Starry came out and said that he was Zido (Zidonuke, AKA the person who deleted the servers/backups of pokemon online, and the same person who spied on F-list users and posted the site code in the open).

Zido has apparently been a "secret admin" for a little over a year now. By that logic, Zido made Starry so Neer could tell us about his existence. Btw, it seems that Neer and Zido are real life friends, so instead of selecting readily avaibale, willing, smart, safe people to be admins, he's choosing supposed friends. Sounds like a case of Cronyism, m'right?

Anyways, many users were obviously distressed, but then Zido at least gave us some helpful info: That the server (named Jake), y'know? The one from the donation thingy? Yeah, it's been sitting around, perfectly usable, but inactive. Yeah. So that money was practically wasted, in other words.

Zido went on to remove/disable over 700 comments from some journal of Fender's 'cuz he was throwing yet another tantrum. Sadly, if he can do that, he MOST LIKELY has access to the site's code. Thanks Neer, you may have put us all in danger!

Starry (Zido) is now "removed" from FA. Yeah fucking right. Due to Neer's habit of lying and not being able to understand the concept of transparency, I don't believe that bullshit for ONE SECOND. And GOD KNOWS WHAT he could have done in the past year...

Now, some users have been screen-shotting things because FA seems to have a problem with it, ESPECIALLY Neer. Neer has been flying off the handle on twitter (don't know if the posts I saw were from a web-cache so they might be deleted sorry), accusing users that taking screenshot's and telling people the truth about his lies and dumbfuckery is harassment and phishing. WOW. He's acting like a spoiled brat, trying to blame everything on ANYONE possible, just so his precious donation money won't be refunded.

TL;DR: Nothing's safe anymore, nobody's trustworthy anymore, and FA fucked up badly (What a surprise).

Updated by pc-king

Can FA get any worse than this? Will the admins ever stop being corrupt?

Find out next time on... (Bad) Dragon Ball Z!

Updated by anonymous

Mintina_Galaxy said:
To clear things up for those who have NO CLUE whatsoever about what's been going on in the past few days, I'll summarize:

Starrykitten WAS an admin-type person. Then Starry came out and said that he was Zido (Zidonuke, AKA the person who deleted the servers/backups of pokemon online, and the same person who spied on F-list users and posted the site code in the open).

Zido has apparently been a "secret admin" for a little over a year now. By that logic, Zido made Starry so Neer could us about his existence. Btw, it seems that Neer and Zido are real life friends, so instead of selecting readily avaibale, willing, smart, safe people to be admins, he's choosing supposed friends. Sounds like a case of Cronyism, m'right?

Anyways, many users were obviously distressed, but then Zido at least gave us some helpful info: That the server (named Jake), y'know? The one from the donation thingy? Yeah, it's been sitting around, perfectly usable, but inactive. Yeah. So that money was practically wasted, in other words.

Zido went on to remove/disable over 700 comments from some journal of Fender's 'cuz he was throwing yet another tantrum. Sadly, if he can do that, he MOST LIKELY has access to the site's code. Thanks Neer, you may have put us all in danger!

Starry (Zido) is now "removed" from FA. Yeah fucking right. Due to Neer's habit of lying and not being able to understand the concept of transparency, I don't believe that bullshit for ONE SECOND. And GOD KNOWS WHAT he could have done in the past year...

Now, some users have been screen-shotting things because FA seems to have a problem with it, ESPECIALLY Neer. Neer has been flying off the handle on twitter (don't know if the posts I saw were from a web-cache so they might be deleted sorry), accusing users that taking screenshot's and telling people the truth about his lies and dumbfuckery is harassment and phishing. WOW. He's acting like a spoiled brat, trying to blame everything on ANYONE possible, just so his precious donation money won't be refunded.

TL;DR: Nothing's safe anymore, nobody's trustworthy anymore, and FA fucked up badly (What a surprise).

See this is why E621 is the only site of this type I'm a member of. I wouldn't say nobody is trustworthy anymore as the administration on this site are top drawer admins who care deeply about this site and the running of it and I'm 100% sure they would spot any dangerous hacker a mile off.

I think saying nowhere is safe anymore may be over-reacting slightly as, like you said, the only reason he got power was because of his contacts on FA. He has no power here.

Updated by anonymous

Nothing is safe. Nothing ever has been. Come now people this is an age of immense hacks and schmuckism on an astronomical level because thats what society has bred, a shitload of spoiled fuckwits with nothing better to do than sit around thinking of ways to cause chaos and problems. This FA thing comes as no surprise to me, if anything it should serve as a wake up call to the age we live in.

I feel the moral here is if you dont want people knowing your kinks, sex life or fandom fantasy then keep it off the internet, otherwise keep in mind that were not widely liked and thus people will seek to destroy us any way they can.

Updated by anonymous

To be fair, this time at least Dragoneer know that someone was doing something for their site. Last time he didn't.

Because of that I will give recent drama only 9.5/10. Still it's very fun to watch.

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Nothing is safe. Nothing ever has been. Come now people this is an age of immense hacks and schmuckism on an astronomical level because thats what society has bred, a shitload of spoiled fuckwits with nothing better to do than sit around thinking of ways to cause chaos and problems. This FA thing comes as no surprise to me, if anything it should serve as a wake up call to the age we live in.

I feel the moral here is if you dont want people knowing your kinks, sex life or fandom fantasy then keep it off the internet, otherwise keep in mind that were not widely liked and thus people will seek to destroy us any way they can.

There is truth in what you are saying but I think it's a bit blown out of proportion. No matter who you are, what you do or what you're into then people will disagree, some to the point that they will try to go out of their way to spoil your life but the truth is that most people simply ignore what they don't like/understand.

It takes much more than a simple "I don't agree with you" to make someone dedicate their time to fuck with you, most people have better things to do. Before freaking out we need to take note that this event was the action of 1 person. There is no need to panic and worry about our internet safety, E621 is no more dangerous than YouTube or Facebook.

Updated by anonymous

DragonFox69 said: truthful encouraging things...

Agreed and im not saying everyone is out to get us, merely stating that its a nown fact that hacks and internet asses are on a rapid rise worldwide. Understanding this is indeed the work of whats believed to be one person, it brings to light the great hack of playstation network that locked everything up for months... also thanks to one person. It just makes me sick that there are literally people with shit else to do then piss on something because they just want to. All in all its to be expected and to be frank it doesnt much phase me otherwise

Updated by anonymous

Bad Dragon 4 lyfe.

But seriously, I always treated FA as a crackwhore infested with every disease known to man and animal kingdom.

I'm also with the others that FA is still very much compromised, treat any password you used on FA in at least the past year as known, and change the password on all sites that aren't FA that use one of those.

Changing the password on FA should be treated as giving a burglar a set of your new keys because you like him.

Updated by anonymous

Mintina_Galaxy said:
He's acting like a spoiled brat, trying to blame everything on ANYONE possible, just so his precious donation money won't be refunded.

"No one is such a liar as the indignant man." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Updated by anonymous

DragonFox69 said:
See this is why E621 is the only site of this type I'm a member of. I wouldn't say nobody is trustworthy anymore as the administration on this site are top drawer admins who care deeply about this site and the running of it and I'm 100% sure they would spot any dangerous hacker a mile off.

I think saying nowhere is safe anymore may be over-reacting slightly as, like you said, the only reason he got power was because of his contacts on FA. He has no power here.

Ah crap, when I was saying that, I was reffering to FA. NOTHING'S safe on FA anymore, NOBODY (admin-wise) on FA is trustworthy, and the like.

Sorry 'bout that ^-^;

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Can FA get any worse than this? Will the admins ever stop being corrupt?

Find out next time on... (Bad) Dragon Ball Z!

(Why the hell doesn't the forum have a like button omg)

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
I want to report them for being underage and looking at adult material, but why bother when my trouble ticket won't get seen until they're at least 18 anyway?

That's not the only part that bothers me. Look at that girl's user page. That is pure, unadulterated mental illness.

Updated by anonymous

Sadly, FA is really the only place most artists can go to support themselves, since every other site seems to have this unfortunate mentality that artists don't deserve to be paid for anything.

Also, since it has the most users people will continue to use it forever and ever.

Maybe some day some horrible cataclysmic event will break it, but if an FA 2.0 ever emerged I know where I'D be going...

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
That's not the only part that bothers me. Look at that girl's user page. That is pure, unadulterated mental illness.

First thing I read:

"I am going to be an Air Force Pilot, and an infantry soldier."


Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
First thing I read:

"I am going to be an Air Force Pilot, and an infantry soldier."


parkourgirl91, also wow that girl dumb for real

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
First thing I read:

"I am going to be an Air Force Pilot, and an infantry soldier."


I didn't even see that. Oh God. I can see it now.

"Here is a picture of me in a jet! Check out my swag! #F-22Raptor #AirForce #Selfie #GoingtoCrashIntoaBuilding"

Updated by anonymous

Don't really give a shite about this anymore, whatever damage he secretly did for the one year he was anonymous will surely cause some problems in the future, but it ain't like we can do anything about it.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I didn't even see that. Oh God. I can see it now.

"Here is a picture of me in a jet! Check out my swag! #F-22Raptor #AirForce #Selfie #GoingtoCrashIntoaBuilding"

Funny thing about that; it wouldn't be unprecedented.
What was that lunatic doing?
Showing off, apparently.

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
Oh my god, is that guy serious? Wow.

Yeah, it's really a slap in the face. I would think that they would avoid closing anything with the word "security" in it without at least looking into it.

Then again, I know of one (rather large) company that emails me my username/password every time I add an ebook to my it could be worse.

Updated by anonymous

Doesn't really bother me. I have no art there to lose, no personal info to be exposed. Their security or lack thereof means absolutely nothing to me. If starkitty failed to subvert expectations and went on a mega hacking spree there, I think it would be rather amusing.

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
Funny thing about that; it wouldn't be unprecedented.
What was that lunatic doing?
Showing off, apparently.

"The pilot was executing a maneuver known as "return to target"."
For all we know he was actually practicing a maneuver and it just went wrong. It's probably why nobody was doing anything about it until he actually crashed.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Doesn't really bother me. I have no art there to lose, no personal info to be exposed. Their security or lack thereof means absolutely nothing to me. If starkitty failed to subvert expectations and went on a mega hacking spree there, I think it would be rather amusing.

Yeah, same here. I just made a phony gmail JUST for FA now, and I haven't made ANY art 'cuz I suck at it, and I haven't used a paypal or put any personal info on there, so I'm 100% safe.

However, other artists who foolishly have everything on FA and ONLY upload their art to FA/upload it to FA the most are in danger. I actaully pity them.

To artists: Sofurry, Inkbunny, Weasyl, and E621 are ALL alternatives, no hacker admins or greedy fucks on these sites!

Updated by anonymous

Mintina_Galaxy said:
Yeah, same here. I just made a phony gmail JUST for FA now, and I haven't made ANY art 'cuz I suck at it, and I haven't used a paypal or put any personal info on there, so I'm 100% safe.

However, other artists who foolishly have everything on FA and ONLY upload their art to FA/upload it to FA the most are in danger. I actaully pity them.

To artists: Sofurry, Inkbunny, Weasyl, and E621 are ALL alternatives, no hacker admins or greedy fucks on these sites!

I don't doubt that one of the main things keeping more artists from exploring alternatives is that it can be rough trying to migrate a gallery--especially a large one--to another site, as well as trying to convince your fans or commissioners to follow along with you. Still, given the state of things at FA, the sooner these transitions start happening the better artists will feel.

Updated by anonymous

Rayzr said:
"The pilot was executing a maneuver known as "return to target"."
For all we know he was actually practicing a maneuver and it just went wrong. It's probably why nobody was doing anything about it until he actually crashed.

I'd agree, except nobody on the ground seemed to have any idea what was going on and he was flying directly towards them and the base. Here's a video of it being done right by an OH-58.

Anyway, back on topic...

ippiki_ookami said:
Doesn't really bother me. I have no art there to lose, no personal info to be exposed. Their security or lack thereof means absolutely nothing to me. If starkitty failed to subvert expectations and went on a mega hacking spree there, I think it would be rather amusing.

This pretty much sums up how I feel.

Updated by anonymous

I really like that part of announcement on FA (They still haven't change it yet.):

2) New Coder/Tech Added
starrykitten is joining the Dev/Ops team to help us better organize our tech efforts, improve site performance, answer tech/bug-related tickets and bring more transparency to what we're doing (all good stuff that's sorely overdue). To that end, we're making our bug/dev tracker public. This will help users know what we're focusing on and monitor progress and improvements.

There's no better person for bringing more transparency then someone who was "secret admin" for over a year. But I don't think that he is most qualified for all the tasks he was given - for improving site performance they should hire person responsible for latest DDOS attacks.

Updated by anonymous

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