Topic: Why do so many people blacklist Nezumi?

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Is there a reason other than content? Because you can blacklist content without blacklisting the artist. Personally, I only blacklist artists who's work I detest or who has way to much stuff being posted that impedes my searches.

Updated by Peekaboo

Nezumi is pretty famous for extreme stuff like uber detailed anus. Some people (or a lot) just arent into the stuff Nezumi brings to the table.

Updated by anonymous

Hiatuss said:
Nezumi is pretty famous for extreme stuff like uber detailed anus. Some people (or a lot) just arent into the stuff Nezumi brings to the table.

Take this comment and zoom in at around here:

Hiatuss said:

[...] uber detailed anus [...]

Ah, there we go!

Updated by anonymous

Meh. I simply don't look at Nezumi's art. I don't like Nezumi's art style. To be honest, it doesn't bother me. I simply don't click on the thumbnail.

Updated by anonymous

As stated above uber detailed anus btw thaks for reminding me i have to blacklist nezumi

Updated by anonymous

I don't blacklist them myself, so I can't say for sure. But what I would guess is that it's their style of drawing genitals (everything looks prolapsed or on the verge of prolapsing, exaggeratedly swollen with lots of folds of unexplained fleshiness). So I'm guessing it's that. But it could also be that their content isn't exactly for everybody. Some of their comics...

As for blacklisting an artist, I suspect some people find it easier to blacklist an artist (if they decide most their stuff they can't stomach), rather than find all the separate tags and hope they always get added. Artist tags have a higher priority of being added. And if you really don't like their style, then the chances are low that you'll miss out on anything by blacklisting them entirely. And sometimes you like that kink...just not the way they do it. I know I blacklisted chris_chan because everything I ran into of theirs felt like an unwelcome surprise: art style, content, everything. I'm guessing some people feel the same about Nezumi.

Although somehow I haven't run into too many of theirs, probably because I can usually tell from the thumbnail that it's not my style and never have to get close. I do like one of theirs that's atypical of their style. But after looking at a few too many while writing this, I can see why they get the reaction they do. Some of their pics make me feel a little nauseous. And I didn't think there was much that had that effect on me anymore. If I ran into them more often, I'd probably consider favoriting the few I like and then blacklisting the rest.

Updated by anonymous

I'm not bothered by their 'uber detailed genitals' style (except in an artistic 'you're over-rendering that and it weakens the overall picture' sense). The reason I have nezumi blacklisted is their propensity for prolapse. It just looks painful.

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
I'm not bothered by their 'uber detailed genitals' style (except in an artistic 'you're over-rendering that and it weakens the overall picture' sense). The reason I have nezumi blacklisted is their propensity for prolapse. It just looks painful.

In that case why not just blacklist prolapse? And of the 6 pages of Nezumi art there is only one page of prolapse.

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
In that case why not just blacklist prolapse? And of the 6 pages of Nezumi art there is only one page of prolapse.

Prolapse is severely undertagged. Most of Nazumi's art should probably be tagged with prolapse, but currently isn't. But since prolapse is a fairly uncommon trait, and most of her art has it, blacklisting Nazumi reduces your chances of seeing a prolapsed anus or vulva by quite a bit. I'm not recommending it, but if it works then of course some people will do it.

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
In that case why not just blacklist prolapse? And of the 6 pages of Nezumi art there is only one page of prolapse.

I just searched nezumi -prolapse, and nope -- most of the ones that are not tagged prolapse still look like they are prolapsed or semi-prolapsed.

Updated by anonymous

Hmm... I don't recall seeing his/her/its stuff.

*five minutes later*


Yeah, no wonder.

Updated by anonymous

Out of the 823 images tagged with Nezumi on this website, only 50 or so are actually somewhat erotic. The rest are just a hive of horribly prolapsed vaginas, anuses, and mouths.

It's not what he draws, it how he draws it. I might not have disliked most of his content if the prolapsed orifices weren't 2.5x their own scale, for some reason.

Updated by anonymous

If someone's hit to miss ratio for an artist's work is 1 out of every 200, if not worse, then I think that's a convincing argument to just blacklist the artist wholesale. Or more likely, in the case of an artist with content like Nezumi, the ratio is for hit, miss, and absolutely not/turn-off with extreme bias toward the third category. At some point, a person should just accept that an artist's work holds no value for them and probably never will, so blacklisting that artist is a reasonable decision. That decision is even more likely for artists with many works that are "mood killers", to say the least, especially with such works that defy uniform tagging and especially for prolific artists. Sometimes, it's quite obvious that an artist's entire direction is incompatible with one's own tastes. Also, let's not forget the benefits inherent to filtering out modest swaths of content for more personally relevant search results.

I haven't blacklisted Nezumi yet because I just haven't quite been irked enough by them to do so.

Updated by anonymous

Her art is VERY detailed, and that can be off-putting for a lot of people who don't lke seeing every crease of a prolapsed anus.

Updated by anonymous

I actually fixed the prolapse tags on Nezuni myself because too much was tagged with it. People see a puffy anus and immediately think "prolapse!" when that's not the case. Prolapse is when the inside of the orifice is pulled out. Granted I may need to check some of the newer uploads but there still isn't as much as people are stating. Though a lot of you are into some wierd stuff too, like futa and yaoi, and I don't get the appeal there so I guess the feeling is mutual. Makes me wonder why artists like Sparrow and shadman get so much attention, though.

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
Though a lot of you are into some wierd stuff too, like futa and yaoi, and I don't get the appeal there so I guess the feeling is mutual. Makes me wonder why artists like Sparrow and shadman get so much attention, though.

It's just general opinion that images like these: post #396088 post #448692
post #217956 post #355732

Are in no way even close to being as weird/gross as images such as these: post #55097 post #31162
post #110049 post #19739

Updated by anonymous

I'm not understanding why you're defending her work when this is a case of preference. I've never seen her work before but now that I have I understand why it's blacklisted by many (including me, now.)

Still doesn't hold a light to Mot's nightmares.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
It's just general opinion that images like these: post #396088 post #448692
post #217956 post #355732

Are in no way even close to being as weird/gross as images such as these: post #55097 post #31162
post #110049 post #19739

Oddly enough everything you posted that isn't Nezumi is something that I have blacklisted for making me queasy though both sides can easily be avoided with simple blacklists.

And that's ignoring comparisons like this
post #467626 post #279654

compared to this
post #226177 post #404064

Updated by anonymous

The tamer pics from Nezumi like that of She Hulk are why I dont blacklist her. Prolapse is not where i draw the line even though im not really into it.

Updated by anonymous

i can understand very well if someone finds nezumi's way to draw vaginas and buttholes (often prolapsed, almost always unhealthily swollen and somehow looks like its infected or something) off-putting and just doesnt want to see it.
there is no way to blacklist infected looking and swollen vaginas or buttholes and often the prolapses are not tagged. or you know, maybe someone just doesnt like nezumi's art style?

Updated by anonymous

As much as some of her pieces may cause me to vomit, Nezumin is a very talented writer. I stick around for the complex wordplay and distinct penmanship.

Updated by anonymous

Kayla-Na said:
I don't want to stare at soggy burlap sack genitals. >_>

Then stay away from granny porn (badum tsh)

Updated by anonymous

If there's a highly detailed prolapsed anus of a size big enough to get somebody's head stuck in it, I'm going to stay away.

Updated by anonymous

I used to hate Nezumi, but now I LOOOOVE Nezumi. (Mostly just her pokemon art)

Updated by anonymous

DeltaFlame said:
I used to hate Nezumi, but now I LOOOOVE Nezumi. (Mostly just her pokemon art)

Ey mate, since you're necroing a few of threads - just a tip!
If ya look under the name of the last person that responded, you can see when they wrote their reply, if it was written a long time ago, the thread is pretty much dead.

Updated by anonymous

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