It is a confirmed forme of Mewtwo, tag it accordingly.
Updated by EDFDarkAngel1
Posted under General
It is a confirmed forme of Mewtwo, tag it accordingly.
Updated by EDFDarkAngel1
So, what name do you suggest, then? It can't be Mewtwo, because most people will want to see posts with it, not a mewtwo with his butt on his head; "mewthree" was (and will be) used until the real name is revealed. Then, an alias can be suggested...
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
So, what name do you suggest, then? It can't be Mewtwo, because most people will want to see posts with it, not a mewtwo with his butt on his head; "mewthree" was (and will be) used until the real name is revealed. Then, an alias can be suggested...
All other pokemon formes are tagged after the original. Why should this be different. And, if people insist, why not "Awakened_Mewtwo"? Might not be the official name but it's far more accurate then "Mewthree".
There is a reason "Skymin" returns no results.
Updated by anonymous
No official name of the Pokemon will and shall be tagged as MewThree until further notice.
Awakened_Mewtwo is just dumb.
Nevan said:
All other pokemon forms are tagged after the original.
So.....if an image is of Grovyle, it should be tagged as Sceptile which is the 2nd form of Treecko as well?
Updated by anonymous
It's not a different forme of mewtwo, it's a different pokemon.
Your logic is flawed.
Updated by anonymous
Mario583 said:
So.....if an image is of Grovyle, it should be tagged as Sceptile which is the 2nd form of Treecko as well?
No, but Shaymin Land Forme (post #225238) and Shaymin Sky Forme (post #273671) both get tagged shaymin. There's a difference between alternate forms (usually spelled "forme" for some reason) and evolutions.
Hammie said:
It's not a different forme of mewtwo, it's a different pokemon.
Your logic is flawed.
Source linked says it's an alternate form.
Updated by anonymous
Source is not official.
Official website says "new Pokemon"
Edit: Also white_kyurem, black_kyurem, kyurem
Updated by anonymous
As long as it's tagged with *something*, no matter what it is, it'll be nice and easy to alias later on down the line. The worst thing right now would be to do "unknown_species" because that'd be a fuckin' headache, and tagging everything "mewtwo" if it does turn out to be not mewtwo at all will be almost as bad.
Do you really want to search through pages and pages of either just to retag them?
Updated by anonymous
No official name has been announced so "mewthree" is the next best thing right now
Updated by anonymous
But wait, aren't the different forms of eevee still tagged eevee though?
Updated by anonymous
(Jayfeather) said:
But wait, aren't the different forms of eevee still tagged eevee though?
Not even in the actual Pokemon game/show is a Flareon still considered an Eevee, no more than a Charizard is considered a Charmeleon. They are separate species, even as dog and wolf are separate species (and Pokemon are far more different than are dogs and wolves).
Updated by anonymous
The character stays tagged as Mewthree until an official name is released, since Mewthree seems to be the most popular fan-made name for it at the moment. We want to make sure people are using the most common name when tagging/searching. We'll change all the tags over to the official name once it's released.
Updated by anonymous
Char said:
The character stays tagged as Mewthree until an official name is released, since Mewthree seems to be the most popular fan-made name for it at the moment. We want to make sure people are using the most common name when tagging/searching. We'll change all the tags over to the official name once it's released.
I hate wotter >.>
Updated by anonymous
Aurali said:
I hate wotter >.>
Dude, Pokepark 2 was frickin' amazing. You could play as four different Pokemon and use their moves in real-time action battle.
Updated by anonymous
Aurali said:
I hate wotter >.>
Nobody likes wotter.
Updated by anonymous
Hammie said:
Nobody likes wotter.
Team Rocket does.
Updated by anonymous
Halite said:
It's not a different forme of mewtwo, it's a different pokemon.
Your logic is flawed.
looking back on this, it's funny to see just how wrong this comment is.
Updated by anonymous
DeltaFlame said:
looking back on this, it's funny to see just how wrong this comment is.
Friendly advise, don't use necromancy on threads, if the last post is from a year ago, is dead. (If you want to summon Cthulhu or something, necroing forums is not the way)
Updated by anonymous
DeltaFlame said:
looking back on this, it's funny to see just how wrong this comment is.
Except it isn't if you actually read the thread.
Mega Evolutions may be temporary, but they still are the same thing as forms in the terminology of pokemon.
They aren't the equivalent of Spring, Summer, Fall, and winter forms of Sawsbuck, or the myriad different forms of Vivillon.
They are an evolution of the pokemon, just a new type of evolution.
So you can take your thread necroing and shove it.
Updated by anonymous
It's... it's just pokemon, guys... :c
Updated by anonymous
It turns out that everyone was wrong here.
If it's temporary change and another form is called "mega" and mega evolution cannot be achieved if there is not a strong bond between Trainer and Pokémon. then it should be called digivolution. And pokemon should be aliased to cheap_ripoff_of_digimon.
Updated by anonymous
Granberia said:
It turns out that everyone was wrong here.If it's temporary change and another form is called "mega" and mega evolution cannot be achieved if there is not a strong bond between Trainer and Pokémon. then it should be called digivolution. And pokemon should be aliased to cheap_ripoff_of_digimon.
you're not fucking funny
Updated by anonymous
Durandal said:
It's... it's just pokemon, guys... :c
Taking tagging seriously is the reason this site's tagging is worth a damn here, unlike most sites like it
Updated by anonymous
Granberia said:
It turns out that everyone was wrong here.If it's temporary change and another form is called "mega" and mega evolution cannot be achieved if there is not a strong bond between Trainer and Pokémon. then it should be called digivolution. And pokemon should be aliased to cheap_ripoff_of_digimon.
That's just a theory, and everyone knows that "theory" means "not true".
Just ask the Christians.
Updated by anonymous
Play nice, guys and gals.
Updated by anonymous