Topic: Introvert or extrovert?

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Are you more of an introvert, or extrovert?

I am mostly an introvert (not just because of current world situations but I have always been) but sometimes I've noticed myself opening up or getting more involved in public occurences. It is kind of weird to see a somewhat personality shift in that sense for myself, but what would anyone else classify themselves as? Introvert or extrovert?

Introvert IRL/publicly, extrovert online/privately.

I have anxiety speaking with people face-to-face, but I find it earlier to talk with people if it's through a screen online.
Nowadays though I find myself shifting more and more towards the extroverted side as I become more comfortable with speaking with people in general.

Depends on the situation. Introvert IRL if I don't know a person. This can change after a few hours or days.
This also applies to voice chat. But if there are too many people in one chat I stay silent for most of the time. Also, if it is in English, because I can't speak it fluently.
Text chat is easy for me, because I can overthink what to write and how I write it.

Introvert, IRL and online.

I don't know how long I have no new friends or acquaintances, and because of that, amplified by this headache-inducing pandemic, I am too scared to make, or even accept, one. Yet I, despite me overthinking that I am just a nobody to everyone, still don't want to be alone. Maybe someday someone will come here to help me break out of my hyperdimensional shell, but for now, I don't know....

introvert both irl and online. I suck at being social, especially if I'm not interested in what's going on around me.

I consider myself an introvert as I have very high social anxiety and I am very comfortable being by myself.
I've been trying to overcome this anxiety and get out more for a while now to limited success, however, ever since the lockdown, I've become pretty bored of being by myself, so I am back trying to get out more and overcoming my social anxiety.

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