Topic: How Do You Doods Deal With Envy

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Heya, I made this topic a while back ago and got
some really interesting feedback, That I should be
happy for other peoples achievements and that I
should focus on myself; that my world ends with
me so my goals should be the only ones that should
matter to me. ╹‿╹)


My blood still runs cold in the wake of the
accomplishments of others, I feel crushed
both mentally and emotionally when I come
across someone who's done so much. Whether
it's romanticly, Artistically, creatively,
and/or financially. it causes me to retreat
within myself and stop moving forward, Which
for lack of a better word just sucks!

It sucks feeling like your a mouse among men,
Your just the mud on another person's boot or
a ghost in the world of the living...

Like you're not enough.
Like nothing will ever be enough to compare.

-And that's the crux, Dood, "Compare" I can't
help but to in possible one of the most
unhealthy ways possible.

It's not that I see this as a competition,
Heck if I did I'd be a little better off.
No, I think of it as:

"Wow, they're doing this AND that, they put
a lot of work to get there, what are you doing,
are you even trying?"

Completely discounting every single thing
I've done up to this point because-

"That's nothing compared to what this guy is doing, What you made an animation?
so did they, and do you see the praise and validation they're getting? Do you
really think you can have that?"

A Cyclone of negativity and a maelstrom of
malice toward peeps I don't even know, Envy
that's in no way constructive only Self-destructive, Dood.

All be it I have gotten better at bringing
myself out from it by muting what got me,
both figuratively and literally.

(My block list is ever-expanding =‿=)

Recentering myself by not focusing on
anything in particular and doodling on
impulse and for myself rather than
other's validation.

Though if I know one thing about me,
it's that I'm not strong enough for that to last forever.
I would very much appreciate your guys thoughts on this
and for the select few that understand where I'm coming from-

How do you doods deal with Envy?

Please read, Dood, It's juicy I promise. T‿T)

It always pushes me forward. If I get irked someone has done more/better/etc. it lights a fire under me to put more blood and sweat into it.

For the most part that stuff doesn't matter for me (or at least I try my damnedest to abstract such things). Everyone's got room to improve, and getting better all the time. I feel like I should be happy they were able to come so far, even if I'm not much of an artist.

I see you have said similar, but I think at the end of the day what really matters is doing what makes you happy, and if you get traction that's just a bonus. One shouldn't get hung up on it too much.

I just try harder and practice more. Someone is always going to be better than you at something in general; and having envy for those who are better than you will not make you any better yourself.

No one's best at everything, that goes for you and the object of your envy. If you can't accept being worse at something than someone, but no effort will allow you to overtake them, then do something else better than them. Just make sure you have something over everyone you meet and you're fine.

I may not be the best to talk about it because i rately feel it. But my way to see stuff is that I just assume there will always be someone better than I somehwere in the world and I mostly.focus on my.own stuff, if I find someone that is doing better stuff than I is very likely I will admire instead and examinate how they got better in x stuff to improve on my own.

I try not to waste too much energy on what makes me feel bad and try instead to focus on removing that feeling whether it be improving at something or cutting it away from my life

I don't know exactly how to deal with envy.

But I know that it is a moral and psychological obligation to deal with it.

Envy do not only destroys individual persons, but whole societies.

More societies and civilizations have ceassed to exist because of envy, that from natural desasters or plagues.

Envy produces nothig and destroys a lot, in the individual and beyond.

I don't.
It eats me from inside every single day as I feel my sanity slip away 👉😎👉

I wouldn’t know how to deal with homunculi. That’s something to ask the Full Metal Alchemist.

I don't get envious much. I think this is because I only compare myself to my own abilities and focus on setting realistic goals for myself. I hold myself to those goals, and don't compare them to the goals and achievements of others.

Everyone has different abilities and shortcomings. Some people just get blind luck. You shouldn't compare your shortcomings to the success of others. Instead, create realistic goals for yourself, and identify your shortcomings, and use them as motivation to improve yourself.

notkastar said:
Heya, I made this topic a while back ago and got
some really interesting feedback, That I should be
happy for other peoples achievements and that I
should focus on myself; that my world ends with
me so my goals should be the only ones that should
matter to me. ╹‿╹)


My blood still runs cold in the wake of the
accomplishments of others, I feel crushed
both mentally and emotionally when I come
across someone who's done so much. Whether
it's romanticly, Artistically, creatively,
and/or financially. it causes me to retreat
within myself and stop moving forward, Which
for lack of a better word just sucks!

It sucks feeling like your a mouse among men,
Your just the mud on another person's boot or
a ghost in the world of the living...

Like you're not enough.
Like nothing will ever be enough to compare.

-And that's the crux, Dood, "Compare" I can't
help but to in possible one of the most
unhealthy ways possible.

It's not that I see this as a competition,
Heck if I did I'd be a little better off.
No, I think of it as:

"Wow, they're doing this AND that, they put
a lot of work to get there, what are you doing,
are you even trying?"

Completely discounting every single thing
I've done up to this point because-

"That's nothing compared to what this guy is doing, What you made an animation?
so did they, and do you see the praise and validation they're getting? Do you
really think you can have that?"

A Cyclone of negativity and a maelstrom of
malice toward peeps I don't even know, Envy
that's in no way constructive only Self-destructive, Dood.

All be it I have gotten better at bringing
myself out from it by muting what got me,
both figuratively and literally.

(My block list is ever-expanding =‿=)

Recentering myself by not focusing on
anything in particular and doodling on
impulse and for myself rather than
other's validation.

Though if I know one thing about me,
it's that I'm not strong enough for that to last forever.
I would very much appreciate your guys thoughts on this
and for the select few that understand where I'm coming from-

How do you doods deal with Envy?

Please read, Dood, It's juicy I promise. T‿T)

Usually, I have no doubts in my abilities to draw just about anything. What makes me jealous is other people’s willingness, and lack of writer’s block / artist’s block. I seem to be plagued with both more than I care for.

However, what’s always made me more envious than anything, are those peppy little jocks who can do backflips at will, and never seem to stop sporting a certain artificiality about them. That last part isn’t something I envy, but rather something I hate. And trust me, hate and envy don’t go well together.

I’ve always been nice to people. Always. What makes me both envious and inspired are those who stand up to people’s shit, unlike peppy sporty types, who are constantly seeking approval.

I don’t respect sheep, and I’ve been forced to rely on others because of a work-related injury in my lower back, so it stings me emotionally whenever I see some try-hard guy impressing women with cool acrobatics. I’m a well-built guy myself, but I just can’t do anything like that anymore, unless I want to painfully destroy my spine again, and be unable to walk a mere 10 feet.

So since I don’t respect sheep, I’ve been struggling with my self-esteem for quite a while.

Other than that, I like to focus more on art and writing.

I’ve developed ways of “shushing” the bigoted voices in my head that try to goad me into judging and envying other people. You can too, I’m sure of it! It just takes a “look within” type of evaluation of yourself. I guess you can even call it meditation.

It works well, and will provide clarity, even if for a limited time. Truth is though, it never goes away, and you have to just keep shushing it. You can lessen its impact as well. Kind of similar to drug addictions in an odd way, not that I’ve had any of those (Thank God I haven’t).


Look, here's how I see it: You should be happy that there are smarter, better, and more accomplished people than yourself. This is a GOOD thing, trust me.

When you consider the size of the human race, it's difficult to accurately visualize just how large 8+ billion people really is. In reality, the chances of someone being lesser compared to you is just as great as the chances of someone being much better.

While it's great to feel good about yourself and be better than some, we also need to be happy that there are very capable individuals out there that can take on incredible responsibility in our society. Think about it, if nobody were better than you, could you trust anybody in power? Would we discover the same scientific breakthroughs, have amazing works of art and music, have great leaders and revolutionaries change the world for the better? Probably not.
Try to remember the feelings you've probably felt when looking at a work of art you, society, or both considers a masterpiece, that sense of awe and wonder. This feeling is due to witnessing the work of an extremely talented individual, someone with skill far beyond the average human, which you are likely closer to in ability.

Just because there are people out there that are better than you in whatever way, it doesn't mean you're unable to create art that has any kind of meaning or could be considered "good". Remind yourself that there are many people in the world that would look at your stuff and think "Damn, this person can draw! I wish I could draw like that!". It's all relative, and anyone can improve, but think in realistic terms when you have expectations of where you want to be if you do.

Don't let this feeling stop you from doing your thing, and try to look at the big picture, it'll help you keep your sanity.

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