Topic: Tag alias: penis_in_vagina -> penis_in_pussy

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #52328 penis_in_vagina -> penis_in_pussy has been approved.

Reason: These tags are synonymous, and I've accidentally tagged penis_in_vagina a few times already.

EDIT: The tag alias penis_in_vagina -> penis_in_pussy (forum #312951) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

wat8548 said:
Weren't we supposed to be mass-renaming the "pussy" tags to "vagina"?

I think the idea comes up occasionally but usually gets shot down because 90% of the time pussy is actually referring to the vulva not the vagina. And it's just changing hundreds of thousands of tags for no good reason.

Every time this comes up it kinda drives me crazy. I genuinely still cannot understand why the tags are done this way.

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