Topic: Is neutral / negative record decay automatic?

Posted under General

I believe I read that after 6 months, negative becomes neutral, and then after 6 more neutral becomes... no record.

It's been 6 months since my last infraction, but I'm still -1. Are all users expected to directly bug admins about this? I messaged the lead admin this question a week ago, but with no response, I figured I'd ask users, in case I'm misunderstanding the system.

I've been thinking about disputing the 2nd infraction too, but since I said nothing about it for 6 months, I suppose that's pointless, the record is going to be forgiven anyway?

This is important to me, as I don't like being 1 joke-taken-the-wrong-way away from suspension.

It's not automatic. You'll have to politely ask an administrator to decay your records. As long as they see that enough time has passed and that you're not being a problem anymore, they'll decay the records for you. However, when they do is like knowing when they'll approve a post. They'll get to it when they get to it, and it can depend upon which administrator you contact. I'd suggest contacting Millcore and discussing it with them.

kemonophonic said:
Ask Millcore.

Alright, I forwarded them my message. I'll wait and see I suppose.

EDIT: No reply, but the record is just neutral now, so I suppose it was dealt with today!
I kinda wish is was automatic, or code of conduct was updated to say "once the time has passed, you must direct message the admin to ask for record decay".
It'd sure save others from asking the same question I just did.


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