Topic: Tag alias disambiguation

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I think the admins should reduce the amount of unnecessary aliasing between tags as some muddy the waters and make distinguishing between types of images impossible. Example: female_on_monster was, for some reason, aliased to female. This is a poor alias since you can no longer filter based on whether an image shows a male with a monster, or female with a monster. Can't filter by male_on_monster, can't filter by female_human/anthro/etc. So what tag will help with that? None. I'm sure I can look through other types of images and find the same issue.

glram said:
I think the admins should reduce the amount of unnecessary aliasing between tags as some muddy the waters and make distinguishing between types of images impossible. Example: female_on_monster was, for some reason, aliased to female. This is a poor alias since you can no longer filter based on whether an image shows a male with a monster, or female with a monster. Can't filter by male_on_monster, can't filter by female_human/anthro/etc. So what tag will help with that? None. I'm sure I can look through other types of images and find the same issue.

Having <gender>_on_<species> tags (monster is a species, so if one can be used, why not any other?) would cause an extreme amount of bloat, given the number of species there are. And since they aren't likely to be well-tagged (<gender>_on_<form> tags also have problems with being properly used, despite being fewer in number), filtering on the female_on_monster tag wouldn't include a lot of posts that have a female on a monster since many posts would be missing the tag.


would have a similar issue. <gender>_<form> tags would be less prone to tag bloat, and seems to have some support for de-aliasing and bringing back, see topic #29463.

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