Topic: Prove you are not a robot

Posted under General

This has been popping up pretty frequently as of late, and the site does not seem to remember that my IP is not that of a botnet attempting to DDOS the site. It is interfering with my ability to browse and tag. I am unhappy about this.

I was worried it was just me. Would be slightly tolerable if it remembered what page I was on and didn't just kick me to the front page.

This sounds exactly like what a robot would say...

narrowurethra said:
I was worried it was just me. Would be slightly tolerable if it remembered what page I was on and didn't just kick me to the front page.

You can go back to the "prove you're not a robot" page and hit refresh, that should return you to the page you intended to go to.

OMG, it has been frustrating the heck out of me. Every couple of pictures I click it keeps popping up. Whatever the problem is needs to be fixed. Its even popping up if I try to submit a comment.

It'd be great if it didn't.. disregard the tag edits I was trying to make and send me back to the homepage.

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Im getting this too. Infact, it seems to have just got worse for me. I tried to get onvto browse a few minutes ago and was met with a screen that said e621 needs to review my activity before allowing me access. After that, most links on the site I tap wont load, not even the help link. I was only able to get to this post via a google search link


Former Staff

ku-joe_kuna said:
Im getting this too. Infact, it seems to have just got worse for me. I tried to get onvto browse a few minutes ago and was met with a screen that said e621 needs to review my activity before allowing me access. After that, most links on the site I tap wont load, not even the help link. I was only able to get to this post via a google search link

The fact that you decided to necropost in an 11 month thread instead of any of the ones currently on the forum's front page indicates that you are, in fact, a robot.

bitwolfy said:
The fact that you decided to necropost in an 11 month thread instead of any of the ones currently on the forum's front page indicates that you are, in fact, a robot.

I guess they used search and found the most recent one with same subject? :shrug:

Then failed to notice the 3 others before it.

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