Topic: Favorite artists and your first pic from them?

Posted under Art Talk

Who are some of your most favorite artists and which of their pics do you recall being your first time seeing them?

post #14189

post #216728

post #169657

I'd say these are my top three on this site right now. I used to be more fond of Tojyo, Hardiman (R.I.P.), and Jiky (R.I.P.) but time changes all things.

Updated by Granberia

That highly depends on my mood. Most of the time it's Onta, because of Marty.

But typically at all other times, it's Imalou

post #206016
Was the first time I saw them.

And my "Avatar" is my favorite pic by them.

Updated by anonymous

... How are every one of these posts on my blacklist? What are the odds of that?

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
... How are every one of these posts on my blacklist? What are the odds of that?

You made a forum thread about your own blacklist, which had A LOT of stuff inside, also a good part of the site is MLP, so I see much blacklist here too.
Except for that Gay eevolutions pic

Now continuing to the porpouse of the forum.

null-ghost post #169684
bgn post #29444
pockyrumz post #278698

Updated by anonymous

What I meant was what are the chances that all three of those responses (and their avatars) would contain something explicit homosexual or mlp?

Regardless I really like that pockyrumz pic.

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
What I meant was what are the chances that all three of those responses (and their avatars) would contain something explicit homosexual or mlp?

Considering that the straight/gay ratio of posts is close to 50/50, and the fact that out of all posts on the site 13%(is it?) of it is MLP, I'd say very likely.

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
What I meant was what are the chances that all three of those responses (and their avatars) would contain something explicit homosexual or mlp?

Regardless I really like that pockyrumz pic.

This needs commas. I'm not sure if you meant "sex, homosexual, or mlp" or "homosexual sex, or mlp"

Anywho, judging by how most of the images on this site are porn, it is extremely likely that someone would post it. Also, MLP seems to, for whatever reason, dominate most sites. Especially ones with furries and forums. Also very likely. As for the gay one, I'd say that it is also likely, although I'm not sure the percentage of LGBT people on this site so I cannot say for sure.

Edit:PS If you're really going to make a thread asking people to give an image done by their favorite artist(s) then I suggest removing your blacklist from effecting to forum (temporarily, of course) so you can see the images posted.

Updated by anonymous

Voice_of_Treason said:
This needs commas. I'm not sure if you meant "sex, homosexual, or mlp" or "homosexual sex, or mlp"

Anywho, judging by how most of the images on this site are porn, it is extremely likely that someone would post it. Also, MLP seems to, for whatever reason, dominate most sites. Especially ones with furries and forums. Also very likely. As for the gay one, I'd say that it is also likely, although I'm not sure the percentage of LGBT people on this site so I cannot say for sure.

Edit:PS If you're really going to make a thread asking people to give an image done by their favorite artist(s) then I suggest removing your blacklist from effecting to forum (temporarily, of course) so you can see the images posted.

I can still follow the links. And I meant "homosexual sex" and "mlp". There's no need for commas when listing two subjects.

Updated by anonymous

Got a lot of favorite artist. In term of technique, I love narse, blotch and sefeiren. Can't remember their first image though.

The firsts artists that I really liked were foxxfire, taurin_fox and lysozyme.
I used to check their entire gallery all the time, so I can't remember the first image for them either...

Updated by anonymous

blackest_vulture said:
Got a lot of favorite artist. In term of technique, I love narse, blotch and sefeiren. Can't remember their first image though.

The firsts artists that I really liked were foxxfire, taurin_fox and lysozyme.
I used to check their entire gallery all the time, so I can't remember the first image for them either...

Oh blotch, their art was the first furry art I ever saw, along with jay naylor :p

Also in my top 10 list, but kinda appear and disappear, hrd to keep the track.

Updated by anonymous

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