Topic: Do deleted posts count towards the Favorites Cap?

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I just found my way incidentally to a post that I have favorited, but has since been deleted. And I noticed that it was still marked as a favorite. Curious, I searched for Fav:SexyGriffon Status:Deleted to find they're all still there. Admittedly, it is very useful to see them there so I can go Fav takedown posts on other sites, but now I'm curious/concerned if they count towards the dreaded CAP or not...

If they didn't, but the picture got restored later, a person could be bumped above their cap, so it makes sense that they count.

furrin_gok said:
If they didn't, but the picture got restored later, a person could be bumped above their cap, so it makes sense that they count.

On the other hand, if a bunch of the user's favorites get taken down (e.g. they favorite everything from an artist who later DNPs their posts), they can end up hitting the cap a lot sooner than expected.

strikerman said:
On the other hand, if a bunch of the user's favorites get taken down (e.g. they favorite everything from an artist who later DNPs their posts), they can end up hitting the cap a lot sooner than expected.

"Sooner"? They still clicked the favorite button the same number of times.

furrin_gok said:
"Sooner"? They still clicked the favorite button the same number of times.

Sure, but when those favorites vanish, there's no real indication for the user that those vanished posts still count. If I didn't know about status:deleted, I'd probably assume the favorites were given back to me once the posts were deleted.

could be valid to search your favorites with status:deleted from time to time, moving posts to a set in the event they do get restored

I didn't know about this. Is there any way to mass un-favorite all those deleted posts, or do I gotta do it manually?

strikerman said:
On the other hand, if a bunch of the user's favorites get taken down (e.g. they favorite everything from an artist who later DNPs their posts), they can end up hitting the cap a lot sooner than expected.

That's exactly why I brought this up, but I wanted to make absolutely sure before I spend a bunch of time un-favouriting things and am hoping for an admin response.

secretfox said:
I didn't realize there was a cap

80k for regular users. I think Privileged+ users have a larger cap. (I have over 80k favorites simply because I had that many favorites before the limit was implemented.)


I don't think there's a native way to simply unfavorite all deleted posts.
But I heard that if you say the name of someone experience in programming
3 times. They will appear outta of nowhere and if you ask politely, they could
help you making a script that unfavorite every deleted post over time!

Maybe even a script to add to a set + unfavorite a post, in the case
a undeletion happens, you will still have access to the unfavorited posts.

It may be a rumor, tho. (・∀・)

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