Topic: [REJECTED] Drunk Bubble(s)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

It's just a caching error. When drunk_bubbles was aliased to drunk_bubble, the cached values for the number of uses wasn't updated, so the current counts are based on the old counts and not accounting for posts having lost drunk_bubbles and getting drunk_bubble if they didn't already have it. An admin or someone needs to tell the system to recalculate the accurate use counts for the tag, then it will be correct.

A good way to check the actual counts is to check how many posts show up on a search (You can check this quickly in your Account settings, I believe the default is 75), and then see how many pages show up. Drunk_Bubble has 7 pages for me, meaning six full pages of 75 posts, or a good 450, already far more than either search right now (Drunk Bubbles says 418, Drunk Bubble says 84). Page 7 has an extra 44 posts, adding up to 494.

watsit said:
An admin or someone needs to tell the system to recalculate the accurate use counts for the tag, then it will be correct.

Is there a special way to get in contact with admins, or is it just as simple as messaging them?

garfieldfromgarfield said:
Is there a special way to get in contact with admins, or is it just as simple as messaging them?

Well, you see... first you need to go to a crossroad at 2 a.m...
No... I think I'm mixing things up. I'm sorry, forget that. (╯︵╰,)

You can simply send them a message, but check their profiles beforehand
there should be the things they can do for you. :))

You can also try: (?) but I think this is more for people that don't have an account? It's better to simply send a message on their profiles, any case.

sieghelm_lockayer said:
Well, you see... first you need to go to a crossroad at 2 a.m...
No... I think I'm mixing things up. I'm sorry, forget that. (╯︵╰,)

You can simply send them a message, but check their profiles beforehand
there should be the things they can do for you. :))

You can also try: (?) but I think this is more for people that don't have an account? It's better to simply send a message on their profiles, any case.

got it. thank you very much!

garfieldfromgarfield said:
Is there a special way to get in contact with admins, or is it just as simple as messaging them?

For future reference, any janitor or admin can fix this with a click of a button.
I would be more than happy to help you with stuff like this. Just send me a DMail.

Removing the alias is unnecessary.

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