Topic: Latex clothing or rubber clothing (alias which to which)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

This is something I noticed when tagging posts. Apparently there is a latex clothing tag and a rubber clothing tag. Since both are the same thing, one tag should be aliased to another, but the question is which?

One side tells me that the rubber clothing tag should be aliased to the latex clothing tag, since latex clothing has way more posts (605 as of posting this topic) compared to rubber clothing (116 posts).

But another side tells me the opposite (alias latex clothing to rubber clothing), since the word ‘rubber’ is being used more often in tags than latex, such as rubber suit, rubber boots and even rubber by itself.

Leave comments on what you think.

As far as I know, the origin of this situation is that latex was (mistakenly, in my opinion) aliased to rubber several years ago due to being "the same thing" (even though they are not). From that alias, several other questionable tag relationships followed by assuming that the original was reasonable.

Aliasing latex_clothing and living_latex to rubber_clothing and living_rubber, for example, simply would not make sense.

I plan to write a BUR correcting this, but pending alias/implication requests and at least one existing BUR would make it unfeasible at the moment.

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