Topic: What to do about a falsely flagged/deleted submission. Remastered.

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Continuation of

I see SOME of you have taken my ban as an opportunity to bash me. But with all cheap shots now comes the time for your dose of crow.

wat8548 said:
Or you could simply not repeatedly upload pirated content, message people with the link to said pirated content after it's deleted, then after receiving a record for doing that add the link in the description of the pirated content pool, then re-add it after an admin removes it the first time.

Like, I know unfair bans happen, but this was a case of a user loudly and proudly disobeying the rules. Hopefully it also goes some way towards explaining why everyone in this thread was so sceptical of his claim that he didn't just want to upload pirated content by the back door, no sirree.

I did not loudly or proudly disobey the rules. And the content i said was not pirated content is in fact not pirated content and Siral Exan can vouch for 3 of those images. So here are some facts that should put your bashing to bed.

1. I did not intentionally upload pirated content as i did not know it was pirated until halfway through uploading it when i ran into this.

This post was deleted or flagged for the following reasons:
[DELETION] Paysite/commercial content under two years old - TheHuskyK9 - over 4 years ago

Given that the deletion was because the paysite content was under 2 years old (which i didn't even know was a rule at the time of uploading or that the content was paysite content for that matter) and that the deletion itself was over 4 years old i figured i had the green light to continue uploading. And on top of everything else Millcore was approving these uploads as i was uploading them so i had no reason to believe i was breaking the rules.

2. When said submissions were deleted (without warning or any attempt at communication by the very same mod/admin that was approving them mind you). I felt bad for getting peoples hopes up that the rest of the comic was finally on the site so i added a message in the description of the deleted comic pages where they could find the rest of the comic as well as trying to Dmail everyone that commented on the pirated comic pages where they could find the rest of the comic (as deleted submissions are hard to find so some people might not see the message) and when i did this i woke up the next morning with a 4 day ban. Again no attempt at communication. No attempt at resolving things peacefully. Just a message telling me that talking about pirated content in personal Dmails is apparently against the rules and is a bannable offense. Glad he went through the effort to tell me this before hand . . . oh wait, he didn't.

3. I had been maintaining the comic pool for some time as i started uploading the rest of the comic. Adding a description of the comic and the source of the artist and full comic (which your supposed to do) as well as the new comic pages. Someone else was constantly vandalizing the pool by deleting the description and the submission (which i kept having to fix). I even reported this user (i won't give out their name) to Millcore despite being a little peeved at him for some of the less than scrupulous things he was doing to me, only to receive a message to stop. I had asked him (rather aggressively I'll admit. Again i was a bit angry) why i needed to stop undoing the changes to the pool (as at the time i was unaware of any rule that said deleted submissions can't be in a pool or that the link to the website that had the rest of the pirated content couldn't be in the description, which are the only two reason i can think of as to why he changed things and told me to stop as he never actually responded to my question) but after 2 days of no response i just brushed it off as a "wrong number" Dmail or a mistake and reverted the changes then moved onto a new project (uploading and adding descriptions to lady_owl's work) only to again wake up to another ban. And i shit you not, this time the reason given for my ban was

Failure to abide by direct instructions by an administrator, moderator, and/or employee of Bad Dragon or Dragonfruit

So if anyone is the "villain", It's the mod/admin that's been blindsiding me with negative records and bans and making 0 attempts to resolve this which is why I'm more concerned with dealing with this mod than i am with getting my 3-4 submissions undeleted.

As NotMeNotYou said i didn't disrupt anything. I'm just a normal user getting dicked over by a mod/admin on a power trip.
Although being elevated to some villainous mastermind is certainly a more interesting reality XD

"The Sin Shadow Fox: My evil plans are finally in motion and soon my machinations will rest control of e6 from the old regime and I WILL RULE AAAAALLLLLL Muahahahahahahaha AAAAAHahahahahahahah!" Gotta have a good evil laugh XD.
(just because i know there are some people on this site who can't take a joke i felt the need to add that this is a satirical representation of me by one of the other users on the previous thread. I have and never have had any intention to cause trouble as I've spent the last 11 years trying to make this site better as many others have.)

Sorry to get your hopes up PolishOnion but you really shouldn't assume you know what someone is doing or why.

TL;DR Don't be quick to judge as you often don't have the whole story.

Updated by Millcore

Everything here seems to boil down to that you didn't know the rules existed. "Ignorance excuses no one" applies here the same way it does in the real world. If an admin tells you to stop you should probably do so.

I would also think about what it means to have a forum locked and recreate it after having a ban expire. Heres an excerpt from the rules:

Spamming or Trolling

Creating a separate forum thread about an existing locked topic for further discussion in any forum or site

Maybe you should familiarize yourself with the rules.

Earlopain said:
Everything here seems to boil down to that you didn't know the rules existed. "Ignorance excuses no one" applies here the same way it does in the real world. If an admin tells you to stop you should probably do so.

I would also think about what it means to have a forum locked and recreate it after having a ban expire. Heres an excerpt from the rules:
Maybe you should familiarize yourself with the rules.

I did. They've changed over the years. And that "Ignorance excuses no one" thing is just an excuse to punish people. If I'm going to be punished for a rule that wasn't there when i read them then banning someone for it is not a just and/or fair punishment for it. If i broke a rule for the first time the appropriate response would have been to inform me in either a Dmail or neutral record. which coincidentally Millcore did before when i broke the 10 tag requirement rule a few years ago and the paysite rule (after he approved them). I don't know why hes decided to be so hostile to me recently. I'm afraid if i don't get help from someone then I'm going to wind up permabanned and silenced by him. That's why i started the other thread which was also coincidentally locked by Millcore. Again i don't know why hes targeting me all of a sudden but I don't want to end up permabanned because he decided he wants to target me for some reason. I've been with this site for a long time and i want to keep making it a better place because i love the community here but if every submission i post, tag i edit or description i add runs the risk of setting Millcore off then I'll be living in a constant state of fear that my next contribution will get me permabanned. He's already banned me for 7 days because i didn't follow some vague order. I'm scared of what hes going to do next.

sinshadowfox said:
If i broke a rule for the first time the appropriate response would have been to inform me in either a Dmail or neutral record.


sinshadowfox said:
I'm afraid if i don't get help from someone then I'm going to wind up permabanned and silenced by him.

Talk to NotMeNotYou, the head admin, if you have a problem with another admin. We can't help you.

Watsit said:

Yeah see? No attempt at communication, he just banned me.

Watsit said:
Talk to NotMeNotYou, the head admin, if you have a problem with another admin. We can't help you.

Yeah I'm going to but i need Siral Exan 's proof of the 3-4 non-paysite images legitimacy to prove that I'm not just some angry troll. I will be accusing a mod/admin of wrongdoing after all. People like that are usually written off immediately. I need something that will prove to him that I'm not trying to make trouble and that I'm actually being targeted by a mod/admin.

sinshadowfox said:
Yeah see? No attempt at communication, he just banned me.

Neutral record first for posting pay content, then a ban for adding links to the post descriptions for that same content in clear defiance of the deletion. Looks right. If the images weren't pay content and you could prove it, you should've talked to the admin about it, instead of spreading the links without clearing the air with them. Second ban has references to two dmails, with the ban being for ignoring staff (can't ignore staff if the staff didn't tell you something to ignore). I don't see any "just banned".


Watsit said:
Neutral record first for posting pay content, then a ban for adding links to the post descriptions for that same content in clear defiance of the deletion. Looks right. If the images weren't pay content and you could prove it, you should've talked to the admin about it, instead of spreading the links without clearing the air with them. Second ban has references to two dmails, obvious communication there, with the ban being for ignoring staff. I don't see any "just banned".

Um no it isn't? Neither the neutral record:

Millcore | 2021-08-19 23:41 | Paysite/commercial content is Do Not Post.

or the post from Millcore

Sender: auto moderator
Recipient: SinShadowFox
Date: 2021-08-19 23:41


@Millcore created a neutral record for your account:

Paysite/commercial content is Do Not Post.

(This was after the ban btw not before)

said anything about not adding links to the post descriptions. I wasn't defying the deletion, clearly or otherwise.
And as for proving the images weren't pay content, i did that by referencing the edits to the original non-paysite comics. In the original thread i stated this and that Millcore still didn't undelete the submissions despite not actually breaking the rules.
I tried to "clear the air" but after he refused to restore the non-paysite submisions he stopped talking to me. I wasn't told dmailing users links to other sites that had pirated content on them was against the rules and it wasn't in "retaliation" for my non-paysite submissions getting deleted.
Look Watsit I'm not trying to get away with something or stir shit. If there was a way to resolve this peacefully believe me i would much rather take that option. Just thinking about all this is making my chest ache (i don't deal with stress or anxiety well and my chest tenses up). But as i said he won't respond to me anymore. I literally asked for clarification when he sent me this

Sender: Millcore
Recipient: SinShadowFox
Date: 2021-08-30 01:19



And he never responded.

Not once was i given a chance. I've tried to communicate with him and see eye to eye with him but all he does is ignore me and ban me without any warning after I've made some new mistake.
And like i said I'm not looking for trouble or trying to start a fight. If he had just talked to me about the rules I'd broke and only reverted the changes that would be fine. Hell I would have reverted the changes myself if that's what he wanted but i wasn't given a chance.
I just want to go back to doing what i love to do. Submitting new posts, updating tags and prettying up descriptions.
And i don't want to be at odds with anyone Millcore included. I don't like confrontation. I hate it. But hes the one being the aggressor.
I would love it if he would just talk to me but if he refuses to do that then the only way i can keep going on this site is to get some protection from him.
And as soon as Siral Exan gets back to me with HIS proof I'll talk to NotMeNotYou and hopefully this whole thing will be resolved. I just want this to be over.


You know, creating a new rant thread after the last one was locked is not a great look for you.
It seems like you did not get the message about "Disregard of the Site Administration" last time.

Millcore | 2021-08-19 23:41 | Paysite/commercial content is Do Not Post.

That's a neutral (grey) record. As opposed to the negative (red) one or a positive (green) one.
I'm not sure why you are arguing that it isn't.

(This was after the ban btw not before)

That was an automated message 3 days before your first ban. Timestamps don't lie.

said anything about not adding links to the post descriptions. I wasn't defying the deletion, clearly or otherwise.

Do admins really have to specify that you shouldn't try to find ways to go around their decisions?
If images were deleted, you shouldn't try to distribute them on this site anyways. That's just common sense.

And i don't want to be at odds with anyone Millcore included. I don't like confrontation. I hate it. But hes the one being the aggressor.

Is hating confrontation why you created these massive rant threads?
Pretty sure that Milly didn't do anything aggressive. Not responding to you in a timely manner is not aggression.
She is female, by the way. In case you have not picked up on that yet.

Not sure what kind of proof you need from Siral Exan, of all people.
I've read through the previous thread, and all they seem to say is that you should talk to NMNY with the proof YOU have.
Which is the correct course of action if you are not satisfied with an admin's decision.

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