Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: wood_floor -> wooden_floor

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Eeh, I'm not so sure which way the alias should go. Personally I've never heard somebody refer to wood flooring as "wooden" just... wood.

Actually, thinking about it, the only thing in recent (~15 Years, at least) memory I've heard described as "wooden" are things that are typically made out of metal instead, and a sense of humour, although in the former case it's still 50/50.

watsit said:
Should be reversed, to be consistent with wood_wall, wood_fence, stone_floor, etc.

Well, stoned_floor would sound wrong.

Personally, I don’t care which way the alias goes. It needs to be aliased either way, and either one is perfectly comprehensible.

scaliespe said:
Well, stoned_floor would sound wrong.

Right, which is what I was getting at. You don't normally say stoned_floor or glassed_floor, so having wood be the odd one out as wooden_floor breaks the flow, and may not be a common way of saying it depending on where you're from. <material>_<structure> works more consistently when you can swap between materials (wood/stone/glass/etc) for a given structure (floor/wall/fence/etc), without special-casing certain things.

watsit said:
Right, which is what I was getting at. You don't normally say stoned_floor or glassed_floor, so having wood be the odd one out as wooden_floor breaks the flow, and may not be a common way of saying it depending on where you're from. <material>_<structure> works more consistently when you can swap between materials (wood/stone/glass/etc) for a given structure (floor/wall/fence/etc), without special-casing certain things.

I agree that the format you propose would be logical; what I was getting at, however, was that adjectives like stoned or glassed have different meanings. The -en suffix usually means “made of” while -ed often does not, as in the case of stoned. A wooden floor is just a floor made of wood. Similarly, golden refers to something made of gold—but there are no such words as “stonen” or “glassen.”

But, yeah, it works either way.

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