Topic: [APPROVED] Cunning Linguist BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #1342 is active.

change category yautja_text (10) -> meta
change category dragon_language_text (0) -> meta
change category icelandic_text (2) -> meta
change category nepali_text (1) -> meta
change category mongolian_text (3) -> meta
change category hilichurlian_text (1) -> meta
create implication yautja_text (10) -> text (1066690)
create implication dragon_language_text (0) -> text (1066690)
create implication icelandic_text (2) -> text (1066690)
create implication nepali_text (1) -> text (1066690)
create implication mongolian_text (3) -> text (1066690)
create implication hilichurlian_text (1) -> text (1066690)

Reason: Tags in the format (language)_text are supposed to be in the "meta" category.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1342 (forum #316969) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

faucet said:
Additionally, why isn't text a meta tag when all the {language}_text tags are?

You can see the text in the image, but what kind of text it is is meta information. At least, that's how I've reasoned it to myself.

faucet said:
All of these should imply text as well.

Added, thanks for the reminder.

Additionally, why isn't text a meta tag when all the {language}_text tags are?

I'm not sure, but I believe that this category change request might have been rejected before.

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