Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: dragon_dip -> dd_(denise_hyena)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #54408 dragon_dip -> dd_(denise_hyena) has been rejected.

Reason: Same character by Denise Hyena. Both are technically the right name.
The difference, or rather, the problem is that Denise's persona changes species from time to time. Raichu, Dragon, Spyro; it just
makes more sense to use DD than Dragon Dip, since it singles out the fact that it only refers to her dragon version of their persona

EDIT: The tag alias dragon_dip -> dd_(denise_hyena) (forum #317060) has been rejected by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

furrin_gok said:
DD still stands for Dragon Dip. The name is just a name, not a species.

regardless of that they're both the same name for the same character.
It only makes more sense for the character to be named DD than Dragon Dip
It'll cause confusion to those who don't know the character.
It matters little if "Dragon" is part of the name when the character doesn't appear to be a dragon, they'll be less inclined to tag Dragon Dip.

This is already happening. Which is the sole purpose for this Alias, in which you have thumbs down.

I really hope I can resolve this issue this way. I don't want to have to change the tags manually all because people don't know the character.

I can't name the Raichu version of DD "Dragon Dip"
and as I recall, Denise calls her persona DD more times than referring to Dragon Dip


closetpossum said:
I can't name the Raichu version of DD "Dragon Dip"

Yes, you can, and you should, because that's her full name. DD is a nickname which is easier to type than Dragon Dip, but it's just a nickname.

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