Topic: Regarding the hyper_penis tag

Posted under General

Long story short, I feel like the hyper_penis tag is used much more liberally than it should be. Like pieces that have a magnum schlong that is by all means huge, but not really gigantic like I'd expect hyper to be. The range of what's considered hyper is just absurdly broad to the point where someone who likes extra big can find it hard to locate pieces that are truly hyper, penises that are 5 feet or more for example. Maybe there should be a tag for truly large pp, like f-list's macro penis. Or maybe reduce the amount of pieces tagged with hyper inappropriately.

There should be a macro penis tag yeah. Hyper just means disproportionately large and doesnt refer to the absolutely massive planetary cocks some posts have.

Hyper == Huge. Very huge. Smaller than the body.

Macro == Bigger than its owner.

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