Topic: [APPROVED] Invalidate no_sex

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I've always wondered this about the tagging system: if you get rid of "negative" tags, there's no way to differentiate something like "no sex" and "this has sex but hasn't been tagged yet".

tehpronix said:
I've always wondered this about the tagging system: if you get rid of "negative" tags, there's no way to differentiate something like "no sex" and "this has sex but hasn't been tagged yet".

What do you mean? That could easily be flipped, a post could have no sex in the image and not be tagged no_sex yet, and we typically try to get rid of redundant tags. If you can find posts without sex by using -sex and avoid posts by blacklisting sex, what would the purpose of having no_sex be?

I feel like you're pointing out that the amount of active taggers have decreased, but that doesn't validate a tag's existence. If anything, this means we should encourage people to become active taggers, and we already have a system in place for that by granting an increase in rank or positive records for people who help e6.

tehpronix said:
I've always wondered this about the tagging system: if you get rid of "negative" tags, there's no way to differentiate something like "no sex" and "this has sex but hasn't been tagged yet".

I mean, do you really want this post #2967560 to be tagged no_sex, no_anal, no_fellatio, no_pokemon, no_balls, no_blue_hair, not_outside, no_male, no_female, no_ninja, no_orgasm, no_bondage, no_penguin, no_udders, no_portals, ...

crocogator said:
I mean, do you really want this post #2967560 to be tagged no_sex, no_anal, no_fellatio, no_pokemon, no_balls, no_blue_hair, not_outside, no_male, no_female, no_ninja, no_orgasm, no_bondage, no_penguin, no_udders, no_portals, ...

Someone's already tried no climax ...

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