Topic: [APPROVED] Hades BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #1378 is active.

create implication achilles_(hades) (1) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication alecto_(hades) (1) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication aphrodite_(hades) (5) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication artemis_(hades) (3) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication asterius_(hades) (157) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication athena_(hades) (1) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication cerberus_(hades) (27) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication dusa_(hades) (66) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication eurydice_(hades) (6) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication hades_(hades) (1) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication hypnos_(hades) (7) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication megaera_(hades) (10) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication nyx_(hades) (2) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication orpheus_(hades) (2) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication patroclus_(hades) (1) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication persephone_(hades) (2) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication poseidon_(hades) (2) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication skelly_(hades) (1) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication thanatos_(hades) (4) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication theseus_(hades) (69) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication tisiphone_(hades) (1) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication zagreus_(hades) (80) -> hades_(game) (370)
create implication zeus_(hades) (12) -> hades_(game) (370)

Reason: Implication of character tags to copyright tag

EDIT: The bulk update request #1378 (forum #317422) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

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